716 Bridle Ridge Rd - Site Survey Book 134 page 54 CertificatA For: Svrnd Peterson Const. - DELMAR H. SCHWANZ 1 14* Live Supff"00, "a ftsweep wpm LOPS 40 Vis so" of OWAMM 14790 SOUTH SOSENT TRAIL ROSEMOU IT.1AINNHOTA SINS - I%MSF/1SI ~a'I IIIj i . fURVEYOIMB Cg1T9fICATI s-723. Jb (I , 113.52 % z ~ t -kale :l Inch t 30 feet; t~ Denotes iron aronuawntt 1 i vl - ()Denotes set wood hub 7? Denotes existing elev. Denotes proposed elev. from development plan. 40- Util y. ~4 3 a3:°:> is - EAGAN Zt.Z REVIEWED 934- X ° V, Also` ' * as staxed therwn. BY 9r~ Booa14 i dim n to&alet 41 _,-.,.wa g= Proposed garage floor O f s "YAWPAVAC lip s Paaseb awamE ' f.~ ~ = FXifTtivb es/bT ElEd. qma- pjeeS*i,Cion. ~ RULM Ito a recorded, plat thereof, man . I herety ownh Mat this Survey. Ou^. er nporl vm prepared by me or under my direct SuPSnl*bn and that I am ¦ duly R*gMMd Land surveyor under tse lave as we Stan al MMnaota. ei l III (t / ' f f Detmer Oand ~a 3~ 89 wrn..H PA0080 n NO- SINS (/y> G-o8B9