3680 Canary Way - Site Survey SIGMA HOUSE CERTIFICATE FOR Mj" it'. SURVEYING i.rooneV~ n.P Ns SERVICES ''EM IGFS 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway FRONTIER COMPANIES Eagan, Minnesota 55122 FRONTIER Phone (612) 452-3077 MODeL: e,arpoRD a i ' Cs,L E' I =40 I~ -J-r 4 r 10.0 C 24 ( Ig19q 13.124.. O+aa-ay 1 ' U /lam y 0 f1 I40 Q Dj~~ i/ b K 919.0 LOT AF O o D 4 .off 1„~' j;,, 3 ,my 0 22.9 1 Z 1 10 >il,o to.o 1 1 Oil Q 220.00 , S°I S1I 5'T" - - I L!i~'w Z N~ PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= 1 ,O 0 Denotes Iron Monument PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION- gI9.2 Denotes Wood Hub Set PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION. qyo.3 ,41'0 Denotes Existing Spot Elevation Nor MITE: Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. (nSNaan>' Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation ---Denotes Drainage Direction AJMM CERTIFICATILN- PI~ERTY ~A"RIPfICN- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by n or (order my direct supervision LOT-I_ BLOCK 7 and that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor Lzxw6To PLJ4C.q- SoUTK unfer the laws of the State of Minnesota. according to the recorded plat thereof, I S/'dS Dete: Canty, Minnesota Wayne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14575 WAYNE D.'.. -W? 10- j CORDES < - 14675 SIGMA NOOSE CERTIFICATE FOR SURVEYING ft t AND of V'LWIkf Ammmffmm~ HI M rOH:, SERVICES r ' 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway FRONTIER COMPANIES Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone (612) 452-3077 7 MODEL : 4.13 FPoRD hC4LE'• i 40 N 3 22o,oa N~~° 5~~ 5~i1 E ro - o;. Iq~9 r z3.a u;.. a~-~s H~. M _O p v O I Iraq'%i~ ,t4+.9.0 Lot- 5 r;. O] feu ~ 10.0 Q i 220.oo h 8°I r, ' S'7" ?-J - L 0 i.~ 2 AS. -LEGEND- PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= 91920 0 Denotes Iran Mom mint PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION- 91G63 r Denotes Wood Hit Set PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION- 91;3 .819.0 Denotes Existing Spot Elevation (vy,~ Spot Elevation NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans Denotes Proposed . `.---Denotes Orarnage Direction a0fl S CERTIFICATION- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report -PA7E'RTY DESCRIPTIGNI- was prepared by me or wrier ey direct supervis'on LOT 3 ,BLLC•K 1 and that I am a duly Registered Latt Surveyor LEXInJGiotu AL,AC-E 5otn4 r the laws of the State of Minnesota. according to the recorded plat thereof,` I S W Date: taus County, Mimsota Wayne D. Cables, Him. Reg. No. 14575 \ N { s E S rp WAYNE D.\.* CORDES 14675 -