732 Caribou Lane - Site Survey ROBE MKODNVEC~ &J67 fCNSULTIH6 EHGiHEfAS. ENGINEERING PLANNERS and [AHD SURVEYORS COMPANY, INC. ICCO EAZ1 1469, STREET, EL'R4S'JILLE, UINME~CiA 5=337 PH 4222'S000 Ceriz z cane # e tg ~t~ cIJCT'Pc'ZCrz: LOT E , L G4 5, FAWN R/D6E ZNG AX/7-10k; CCUA/TY, MINt/ESOTA - - 1 s4 - ro ~39_75~ 5,, 13n ids I R c ° x/87°N'00 E 24 L=2r./9 60-0° o/ 9g.,~ I ° = 9e' 3_ 944,0 944. 133 ! (99YF ) 3o.oa N '35 3C' FRONT BU/LDJAP1 ; ti [ I ,c-T&4CK LIME 2°.°° c s.w1 V 6aRH6E o I t s J (A A 44.0 I - 'S ' a'2 Ca I_ am, 1~ PRoYo~a ~ ) C9g- CErJO t- v<: !n •v W 1 ` Q`.•~7~ E.g. 1P~.~ - ~ ~ y1 111 ` CE\lC" :«.r•_.:.~:: Eis'i/1T - N p Zorn 3 .oo~ / ~lLA.Tt CIF lGf~. C IT (94aeJ 944-, sugFAC- E R/k iA6cEr I 1 i`~,= = F11J15~i ~iR4.4 rtcci& L T E cuA. D)?AINA6E ,4ND UT/U7Y EAS&AAc1 ~3S,o` o c a =c ,j /00. 30 n/ 83°0 2'04"W CUFF ,CCAD I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of 4L tract of land as she-.m'and described hereon.. As prepared by me on this /e day of 19 87 . ?Sinn. Iles. Ho. !Ge'~