1204 Carlson Lake Lane - Site Survey J.I1.cat- I 'I, 1d Carl 3:,n Y5 W1jder1rC°i8 F)n Pc3. Y f: t nr. , tan. ! 51 2 3 `{tom DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LANE) SURVEYOR flag bled Un°e. Law, of The Slata of Minnesota 2978 - 146TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 56068 PHONE 612 4231769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE _ 372.51 N890 55'45"E 3• ~r+a{?e-_ ~,tt;y easer*rent 0 m LOT 24 - a• z o , pl •\K a' DELIL \ ..E N T8°00,p1 l0 N25°0, I tl w~ 331.18 SCALE: 1 inch = GIl feet .50 \ T hereby certI ry that thin is a tme a.ni.I correct repteerentation of lot 24, P.lnck 3, WTL1!IspNFS4 FARM ADDi-roTJ, accor(3ing to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Ml.nnesota. Dated: April. 11, 1.97%1, ("',,r MINNESOTA REOISTIiION NO; 8825'l Certi fic;.te for: Arnold Cur,son L255 Wilderness t'Ir, ?ci, L) Y DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYOR Req,stered Under Laws of The State of M,nnesota 2876 - 145TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55086 PHONE 612 423-1769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 372.51 N89°55'45"E CID I- utlI ity easement o 0 An o n p~a9 o o 0 0. LOT 24 Z W N T9,00141'rE 10 25C t %0-00- t, 33le Si'A t y0 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct repres,,r.t..--tir'rn of Lot 24, Block 3, WILDERNESS PARK ADDITION, . C::^~ In the recrr:ierl =t thPrr?r)f T); ,b Mi !~e 1.teb r MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO.8625