729 Castleton Ct - Site Survey A PR 2 ;i 19B8 2422 Enterprise Drive * PIONEER LAND SURVEYORS• CIVIL ENGINEEI?S Mendota Heights, MN 55120 engineering.. LANG PLANNERS•LANDSCAPEARCHITECTS (612) 681-1914 y ~ T TT T Certificate of Survey for: THE /4 /~OTT L UNDICOMPAQ Rf'ilo,S 64100' 8r ~~,I E Dtly0' N B3 cj(7 / NORTH 899. i ~ ; r / I i / o 019 2 / \no o ~T9 s C ROVI D gl J^ro wh~v /M~ By C !h EAGAN ENGGIN-~ ;RING DR'AB'. ~uRTC IV SgOp J~v oo W qp7 •0 ; i p /o. • 900.0 Denotes exislinQ Elevations" Pis 638/r• PROPOSED I /OUSE ELCVATIONS (j 200D Denotes propad Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation = 996.1 - Deno/es Drarnage (U/ih ly Easement denotes Drainage Flow AArrow; Top of Block clevafion - 964 2 o Denoles monument Gary,z slob Elevation : 9039 Bearings shown are assumed LOT 6 , BLOCK 8 ,larks OF STONEBRIDGE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUBJECT TO EASEAIENTS OF RECORD I hereby certdy that this is a true and correct repretenuhon of a survey of the bour.datms of the above d•ssnbed Is . and of the localmnoofadl bu.Idings, thereon, and all vuible encroachments, if any, from or on sa.d brut As surreys by me this-1'W ay of / A.D. 19670--. £C/ Scale :L RCRCRT D. SIKICH L.S. REG. h0 11191 197 y/1./Vr Nj MRE~ A!'R ^ Fi 198e 2422 Enterprise Drive S'rWjN: f * IONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Ty LAND SURVEYORS -CIVIL [NGINCCRS }engineering.. LAND PLANNERS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1I (612) 6811914 Jr R V * ~ Certificate of Survey for: THE i4 /~OTT L UND COA1PH 8.alo9s 00 Oe; tf:. Dr4P15 N 83,56 NORTH 1 o"1N / PRopo PO A44A 2 i \10 o l P 3b e 7 / (1/ h yg r k ~rY 0 _ t Yc 1 D & ^P,o w nom"' /M I31_ D privt t C FAGAN ENGINEERING DED' 3~0 ,Art Or'RTON b7.1 40 .00 IN 1o• 900.0 Denotes crisInni Elevations Ps;a~•• PROPOSED HOUSE Ei£VAT/ONS 900.0 Denotes propaHd Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation a 976.1 -"---Denotes Drainage (utility Easement Denoles Drainage Flow Arrows Top or Block Elevation : 9o42 o Denotes monument Cj arOgt' Slab Elevation : 903.9 8 earin$s shown are assum ed LOT 6 , BLOCK 8 ,141CLS OF STOAlEBRIDGE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SVRIECT TO EASEAIENTS OF RECORD I hereby cenily that this it a true and coned rrpresenuNOn of a j. ,,y or the boundann of the at,ovee dsfNbed tar/Id and of the locaNOn~soi iii buildmgt, thereon, and all visible encroachments. it any, from Of on N.d land As •urv[yrd by me tint ay of I A.D. 1981.. //ate==//7 t~y r°- Scale :11" : 400d RGBCBT B. SIKIC•t L.S. REG, 1.0 14891 FJ 7 riz../ ni'R 2 s1 19UH * 2422 Enterprise Drive y~IONEER ll Mendota kleights, MN 55120 L AND SURVEYORS I CIVIL ENGINEERS engineering.. LAND PIANNCRS•LaubscspCARCHIIECTS ll(ff2)681-1914 Certificate of Survey for: -_!__gG!`~ U T ` L UND CpMpA R.71p95 ~NG2ou"Da, QO O$ ~4 V4 µ 13~ 56 - NoRTh? 83 / / / / I / o N / io \0 0 - 4D d / 47 Phu{ Y ra ly `sc N `rl/ ga, sGL / ss O 0 ~o! m~ Gay " d Vy jy~ SI .G h?Pd M ryG~ l~0 BY.. D ~ CI 9os ~C r) ~h t EAGAN ENGIIi:aL~i IN N G I)L:xl'f' C~rE PTO S3*" CpuRr N 79° go000., w q~l . Po 'trap' PROPOSED 1IDUS£ EuyeinONS y goo.o Denoles euislin flevalion,r P~-~ 6se'y" yoo.o Denoles propaikd Eleva/ion Lowest Floor Elevation 996•I Denoles Drain4 e ~vlillEasement Denoles Draina f e now /Irrowc Top of Block Elevation : 901.2 ~aro4d Slob Elevofion = 903• o Denoles monument Bearinls shown are assumed LOT 6 , BLOCK S , PIU S OF STO AJESR!DGE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SvBJECT TO EA5VIENTS OF RECORD I hereby cenily that this is a true and correct reprnrnunon of a stnvey of flit houndar'cr of the above d.isnbed larvl_and of the location of all buildings. thereon, and all visible encroachments. it any, from or on P-d lard At aurntrd by roe n+.1-2un ay of-gem-r- A.D. 19~. Scale: 1'~ : 400d /5 X a P C.BCRI B SIKICH L.S AEG t.0 14891