750 Cheshire Ct - Site Survey * II 2422 Fntriprite Drive PIONEER LAND SURVEYORS-CIVIL ENGINEERS 11 Mendota l1rig11ts, MrJ 55120 engineering.. LAND PLANNERS. IANOSr ArE.nrr.pIr(i5 >f* II (6121681-1914 Certificate of Survey for: CENTEX HOMES Hope Lr* Z)9o ~ Noat11 X37 ~p. Vol- , ~ v 0 t ti }a A~ / g\ l V(Y v ~O0 P ~3 0 \ 1 % Doti Q 'S. Jrr ~ ~ / ~ v c d hJ-. rr r'l 1) C..~ la V c? / ..ate c ~ 900.0 Denotes exicfin Elevation F faoPOSEO UPUSL EtLVATION5 ~9o Denotes propod Elevation : _ Uenofes Orairaje/UntilJ Easemerrf Lowest Float Elevation BSS, Denotes Dram e Flow /arrows Top at" 8loek fleval ion = 8~s s6 Gara e Slob Elevation = 8&5,`*7 o Deilof ec monum enf 8 earints shown are assumed r p Q U R E D LOT 55 , BLOCK 7 , N{LIS of TONEBRIDGE Dilkor,1 COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS OrIECOPD 1 hereby terrify that this survey, plan or report was pr ted by me or under my diierr snpe,visimt anti trial I run rhiy Dryistei a rt Lauri Surveyor MOM the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated thisfa day of A.D. 19 Scale - rincir = 4D+ of S8ob4,L7 nnprnt n atr-will - nrr: Irr tnAOt * * 2427 Enteiprise Drive * PIONEER LANOSURVEYORS. CIVIL ENGINEERS Mendota Ileights, MN 55120 engineering.. UNpPLM1NNERS. LANp$EM1rE M1RENITCCTS II * U O (612) 6811914 Y Certificate of Survey for: CENTER HOMES Mopt_-l Zi9o ~ NORTH ~p~d 8c . e 3. g LAS f7 v- J h k3 I~ ca 1 \ n• ~G V,h• l \v 1100 ob1 P Q /S 'j, c~3 „PF \ \ / EKf.7 j 90' 40') , 861.1 ~sq M1A eo j na ~s~,F \ 1~ io \ 2 gym' \ Cl \S80 • 900.0 Denotes exlslin¢ Elevation f RUVUSED HOUSE ELEVATIONS soo a Denotes prop d Elevation Denotes Oralna a (Uti/it Easement lowest Floor Elevation = SSs, 8z Denotes Drrfina a Flow grows Top o[' Block Elevation . Gros s~ 0 Denotes monument Garage Slob Elevation : 845,53_ 8earr*16 shown are assumed LOT 55 , BLOCK 7 ,141LL5 OF STeWEBRtOQE DnkorA COUNTY, MINNESOTA SUBJECT TU EASEMENTS orRErORD 1 hrr rhy re'tify Itmt this survey, flan or report win pr pnred by me r under m direct ai Y prrvicimt and that 1 :nn dvly Rrgisir, rd Land Surveyor uodrr file taw, of the State of Minnesota. Dated this day of /1. D. 19 Qeu ; 510 S C 5 E~~. Scue:1incb_,Feet 95 o64,2.-7 _j __p vi •irn it 77 nr', tin Inapt