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4528 Cinnamon Ridge Tr - Site Survey At. -CALVIN H. HEDLUND 7726 MORGAN:'AVE St7 MINNEAPOLIS ;"MINN.;, 54t'.`, .Land Surveyor Civil Engineer PHONE NO.. 8W2523' Survcqor's ee#if JOB NO. 309 SURVEY FOR Zachman Homes DESCRIBED AS:Lot 12, Block 1, CINNAMON RIDGE, City of Eagan, Dakota C a ,t , :•iinnesota and reserving easements of. record. 5 51 °47'3S''W' 118.00 936.1 30 4,L~ - - - - - - 438.7 0 Ix I ~o. t! I LU O ( C N N - h N i~ LLJ (0 t V) I. / UNpT\UNaT\ M t N d 00 u, a7d I Stake \ \ \ Sto kesl al .E o fl K4 ,I/u GAR 7/0 GAR. 1 n, 0- } 4~1 t .I I \4' _ I a3p 37.7 3. I IJ DRnE DRIVE ~ M 30 934.(0 Sass e II8.00 - S51°47'38"v/ A CINNAMON RIDGE TRAIL r°o _ 935.5 9210-1 -4 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that on 2/382 I surveyed the property described above and .that the above plot is a correct representation of sold survey. Calvin H. Hedlund, Minn. Req. No. 5942,ra, VIKH. HEDLUND 7726 MORGAN AVE 5t]_` MINNEAPOLIS, -MIN N..55u.t Lana Su*,eyor Civil Engineer PHONE NO. 866-2523 Sa'rucqor'sCcrtijieatc JOB NO 30R SURVEY FOR:zachman Homes ~ DESCRIBED AS:Lot 12, Block 1, CINNAMON RIDGE, City,of Eag ot:a ~D U. >:i,nesota and reserving easements. of. record. 561°473 VI j 118.00 _ 9387 30 93.11 _ . - - - ~ ~l,?I 019d~ Ili?Al,. 0) t o 0 0 ,u I. e` r 59 co M UNI\ UWIT~ I~ m 71 oNEi ~y sake \ \ \ \ \ sta {t~s T/U GAR\ T/u Gs.R.\ I Ile, \i4! 37.7 9 .7 I j ?j I bRwE DRNE o/6105pt 1. 30 93s.a 551°4. 38v! - - - - M CINNAMON RIDGE TRAIL r ° 4 0l _ 9355 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that on 2/382 I surveyed the property described above and that the above plot is a correct representation of said survey. Calvin H. Hedlund, Minn. Reg. No. 5942ita,