4306 Clemson Cir - Site Survey -0 at 0 9 ,I 8, rg31.~~ Sr, o N 74 30'00 W DO m r931.p~ I W rn U .O 0 A O RpppSFp /rv / 99 w~ / ° ~-O 0 0-~' 19t.~/o % gurcp / yj I l!/ ZI -V fj~ I 9.3! W ~~-J Ng3p0pw J °N 0 a n o U T1 y-rY 00 u 7 t• N aS=M ~bRAlu'`~r -O 1 F 0 a N l f93i. 1 ° Q U F- .9 O N 74e r934.s~ . _ _ s I+001•~ !07.14' r93 .e~ Wio Deno- es Walk-Out O Denotes Iron Monument / Denotes Wood Stake X000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation Proposed Top of Foundation Elevation= (000.0) Denotes Proposed Elevation Proposed Garage Floor Elevation= 933.0 4 Denotes Direction of Surface Drainage Proposed Lowest Floor Elevation= 933.5 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of: Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 2, THE TRAILS OF THOMAS LAKE, Dakota County, Minnesota. And of the location of all buildings, if any, thereon, and all visible encroachments, if any, from or on said land. It also shows the location of the stakes as set for a proposed building. As surveyed by me or under my direct supervision this 12th day of January ,1987 L~2~ o ~ Paul A. Johnson Land Surveyor, Minn. Reg. No. 10938 S`"`° CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I.= 4-o' NOON. PAGE for 7[MCC~OMBS-KNUTSON ASSOCIATES, INC. , 1 ENSULIINE ENEINi111 ¦ LANE SUEYEYENS ¦ SITE FLANNENS FIEF N0. ~E~ 1W t4oRaoN NoMES ~?..tC. MIWNEAFOLIS ws MUTC"N110%.NNFwEEOTA 19-61