4315 Clemson Cir - Certificates of Occupancy/. R s ..%'f . (gtrfifira#e of (Orrupanry Citp of eagan apparbttPltf of ig3Ia1ttg it1wttlDtt This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements af Section 306 of tlte Uniform Building Code certifying tirat at the time of issuance thu structure was in compliance with lhe various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following.• ux ckssffimtion • tF 4 Pf ;. stk rema ro. R3? 'r3 ?1 ? • omuv.ar'?Yae 7ftv` z+f?? o?v?" P.O. bm T?'..6/',?piF u- Owner of Bwld'mg Addras ??, , R2, TRATLS OF' M?PiA.? It? st„la;ng aaaress -'! { I5 CUD?- i.E3 o.u: euamng offiLiW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PIACE • y " I (gtrtif iratt nf Mrrupanry titp of (tagan EpwtttlPt[Y ilf llttimtte jwPtfiDlt This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirenients of Secdon 306 ojthe Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the vanous ordinances of !he City regulating building construction or use. For the following.• vse ckuirauofi ! OF b HM eiag. Permit ro. 13 r_?; 0 OccuPancY 7y'pe R' Znniaj DisUict ? Type ?amtt ? V Ownera(Bwldiog R_l`??._..1i Addrm P.O. b& 1367, ? ?? 431 B Q.I2?+i 'k?:; v?: ?.liry '. ? , Ti? , 'IRAZI.S _ , : ?iWV ?.?? ?: r n.u: MAY 29, 1987 aulkiins official " POST IN A CONSVICUOUS PLACE ? : t 4,;a ? ? - (Strftfixatt of (Orrupttnry Citp of (eagan EP}tartmPtlf Df llttlbing J1tapPtfiIIli This Certi, ficate issaed pursuant to tlte require?rienu of Secrion 306 of the Uruform Building Code certrfying t/rat at the time of issuance this slructure was in conrpliance with the various ordinances of the City regu/ating building construction or use. For the following.• Use Qani6ntioo ?Ct? 4 PIEY Bldg. Rxmp No. 13 130 OccuPmY TYp R3 Zaning Dislrict PD Type Cant, V OwnerofBuilding NW ?EN HU-ES Addresa P•0• B« 1367, MRM Buildiu6 Addrcae 1a 3 17 C+Fr+9M CER,rr Laci6ty L5J B2f TRAn•S d" I1iCtIAS LAKE Datr. .n, 'T? Build" Oicial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ? t (Etxtif tra#it of (IDrrupanry (Citp of Qlagan lgppartmptlf Uf llltlbtltg impPt1itt This Certifrcate rssued purserant to the requirements of Section 306 ojthe Unijorne Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with tlre various ordinances oj the City regulating building construction or use. Fos the following.• uic ausuiaran 1 0 F 4? 1,1_. ". &dg. Ftmiii ro. 13 13 1 O-UR-r TrM R 3 zme aWx;d I' L Type cow. V a,,,?oreWiai? ?I?.I"lrr3 Ft.IF? naa? i?.0. ;3fi7; '.l?1?5 C? Huilding Add?ess ? 1 1 u ?'i ?_ . ?.. L=ky l.0y A! ? : n.k: emwig oer',a.i POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE