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1526 Clemson Dr - Certificates of Occupancy(Itr#iftrtt#p of (Orrupttnry Citp of (eagan 39pparWmi of Bttilbinp lnspprtiim Tbit CMi ficate i.rsxed purstrarrt so tlst reqtumrocrus of Sation 306 o f tix Uni f" Buifding C,odr nrtif ying liaat at the timc of iaswme tbia ttsucturr was in cmn plianu with tbe variant e?dinana.c o f tix City ngulating bxildiag coren.xction or xac. For thc f ollowi»g: 1 of 4 PLEX „m, P,,,,& w„ 7705 waam omm .o.. ,. . CO,..a,OU. ?Cill ,iTFC•y . 5.4. titp vf eagatt Erpttrtnrnt nf Builhing 3naptriimt 7hir Ctrti firatc iraxed purstutnt to rfx requitancnts of Sation 306 of the Uni fonn Burlding Codc certi f ying that at the tirxc o f iasuarue tbi.r .rtfucture wus in com pliance witb the varioru ordinunra a j the City regulating building wn.rtrrktion or urc. For the following: I nf Q ur_Fx 7703 .o., ?. . CON0.4CL.o,,. .L.« (gextt#trate a# COrr?paurlj Citp of (eagan Department af Nuilding In?per#ion Tbu Crrti f icatt isaued pursruaut to rbt requirearenu o f 5ation 346 of tix Uni form Bueldiag Codc crrtifying that at tix tiriu of icssrarue tbrs structxre was in rompliantc with tin varioru ordinanccs o f the City segutati»g building conttirution os usr. For tix f o!lowing: {As Choiflcooo 1 of 4 PLEX 91d{. Patmit No. 7704 ocmwory 7'ro. R3 7Yw cmt„ution V Fiea ?oK NA - Zod„g Duu;a, PD ?:? MaY 31, 1983 !pT IM • COMNICYOV. M,dC. ea? ?.S.A.