1612 Clemson Dr - Certificates of Occupancy? _f ? ? .? (gtrti#irate uf (IDrrupanry titp of (Eagan EPp81'ttlPt[X D# Indbittg jmwPtftntt This Certifecate issued pursuant to the requirements ojSection 306 of tJie Uniform Building Code cerlifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordrnanees of the Crty regulatrng burlding construction or use. For tHe fo!lowing: use CIaui6cation ! CO 4 ftEX Bldd. Itrmic No. 13 OccuP-y T}'pe ZOAlllg DId(I1C1 TypC COIMI. owner oc a.nLmN.- M3d BM?l,1Ni HQ•^': ? Addren ? , i: . 3Q: : 111?67 , *fFi.? euflmng naares 1614B QLMECPi I?r'c, ; Y L-WRy ,-??J B 1, 1'?,,'?; L:; (}i' ;'? q •?.? - oau: 29, !r`,'-?'77 auaaing off'" POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ? ! aRl ?'?? . (gerti#iratt uf (Orruvanru titp of (Eagatt Epparttttrnt a# suiIding jwrr#inn This Certifcafe essued pursuant to the requiremenls of Section 306 of the Unifonn Btcflding Code certifying that at the rime of issuance this s[ructure was in complrance witk tlre various ordinarices of the City regulating building corrstruction or use. For the following.• ux aamrlm6w I o f 4 Pt?i meg. Panw No. 15 Occupancy Type R3 Tnniog Disv;ct ;? ?• Type Comt OwoerafBuilding }-'Ew "M-TMI wtE: ECK 2361. BW1&ng Addrm. I ' 12$ CLU"Day Locatity I.S'• f B 1, uAi1.= Q 71K''.'E5: . i..A`ij Dak: Bailding Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE (gpr#if iratr o# Orrupanry titp of (tagan Erpttrtntetti a# luildittg JWprtimt This Cern; ficate issued pursuani to the requiremenu of SecTion 306 of the Urufarm Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this slruclure was in compliarrce with the various ordinances of the City regulating building constsuction or use. For the follvwing.• tse chLimrw.tioo Mag. Penn;t No. _ Oaupancy Type ?-? 2nning Distrux r-n 1)'pe Con+L bo OWOC(OFBWdd10g AmICi •:?..(1. AM 1767, s sWWrkg ndarm C;A.S?'?C?•S L?;r.: t.a,liey 'S, B I. ?RAII?S CL?' T?rMAS t.?AKB o,u: euaCEng offici,l POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE