2121 Cliff Dr - Certificates of Occupancy• ._. .- BRH+IaAK C06 . . { i WCL`tifiCQt¢ nf CCClipQliC? (OM of Cfagan Zqrartmeut of ?4xiliing ?u??ectioa ? This Certifecate issued pursuaat to the rrquirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tirxe of issuarrce this structure was rn "compliance with the various ondinareces of thc Crry rrgulating building construction or use. For rhe following: Use Clauifiation: ?? MM Bldg. Pertnit No. 34113 Oavpancy 1ype Zonioa Dismict Type Coau. Owner of Building 9AFER RI¢WW" Ad?ett 212I QHF M, FWM Building Addrecs 2121 MIFF DRIVS Locat;ry L I, B 1, aMAR ?'..t•IF'F OMMC7AL PARC wriwitig ofr..? POST IN A COHSPICUOUS PLACE t? - y A .4 ,, ? 0 NATIONAL T E RjS RCES CORP , ?'tx?t tra#t of ('rr?pitnry (Citp of (tagan Erpuhttrtd of %attcg itwprrtiatc T his Certlfraate rssued pursaanl wAlre requirrnrents ojSmlion 306 of lhe Urriforrn Building Code ceruijying lhat at rhe tune ojrssuance Atr slructwr was in oampGcxce wiili 1lie mriaus a+d'unw&ors ollhe Cap negulaan8 brrr7ding onnmudion w tcse For 1he followtng: un c6awksb, GOMMERGIAL. RP'MODFL. M4 ra N06 9133 O.W.,L7 7yx B- 2 zcois owria type9?.?s+ p,,,,(S,i&g. VERN COLON AM,,o, 2121 ..I FF DR U-,.V- ..u.r 2121 C L I F F DR .....,:... Ll. Bl.(EC44R CLIFF CCW PARK POST pN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE w ! ? • . 4` - r , t? cg-'tt?j 2*vartmeat oi ? nf cCCItlpQIiC? af ?agan R3Nitbatg ??ection T7tis Certificate issued pursuant to the, eertifyirtg that at t/re time o, f is.ruarece this orrlinances of tire Ciry regulating building usc c,assircatk?: rEIr? 11mnrra Oc-n-r Tipe 1R2 nts of the Uniform Building Code was in compliance with the various io+t or use. For tlze fo!lowing: sw& Pcmtit r,o. -9628 Type Const. ?ocautyLl, RI, OEL1AR fCLEPBOCW PK sudding ofrkial ? ? ? 4 . .? . ? - :? IKertcficate nf Ccc"anc4 Wif4 Df CfRgAn - acat of fti[bing 3a#PcctioM Y 4• ? ??_ ,, .? This Certi, ficate issteed pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that ai the time of issuance this structure was in compliance wilh tite various ordrnawes of the City regulating building construction or use. For the. fol[owrng: OCbIIIAMSC - DFNTIST OF= 21377 Use Qassificariae: Bldg. Permit No. ' OCCUPMCY 1yPe k J ?aiing District 1Jft ?e, ?? [I Owoer oi Building qdcLess s? ? A? ??? L, 131 ? CEAR a.IFF JQ?M PR ? Date: Building bfficial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAGE s _ .. ,. ,. (Itx#i#irafe u# (?rru?r?t?tr? Citp of eagari lor#rtt-ttcraY of iwmng 3W.Prtim This Certlfrcate issued pursuant to tlre requirenaenu of Sectinn 306 of the Uniform Building Code cerrifying lhat at rhe dme ojissuance this smucture was in complrance with the various ordinances of the City regulatrng building constructeon or use. For rhe following.• Ux Gami6nuon Mg. Rrmit No. OccuP•K7' TyPe ZoeieB Diatrict Type Caft. Owner of Buddinq ...-15tAI' T+"? ?_i 1 Addrea Buildiig Addres '. 1 'l' CLi'F iAM71Lzmtity ? ? , EEU& (T .!? h Daw nFIRM '1- 1987 Butlding Otficial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 0 ,Ar AANP (gtr#if irate uf (Orrupttnry Citp of eagan aFpartt11Ftt1 Df l11ebv jmwptfiott This Certificate issued pursuani to 1he requirements of Section 306 of rhe Urriform Builrirng Code certijying ihat at the rime of tssuance this structure was in compliance witli the varrous ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. Far the joUowing.• INT. IMPR. 14349 uee cl?i&adon ekag. nrmit IVo. OMUP-Y'n'0w 7dning Dirtrict Type Conu. Owom cof Budding FEDERAL LAND CO Addrew 3470 WASINGTUrt DR., EAGAN B?ing Addma 2121 CLIFF DR Lxzbty L1, B1, CEDAR CLIFF COMM ate: NOVBMBER 16, 1987 Budding OfficW '; St'NStiINI: CONST. ) POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PIACE NATIONAL T E RESQURCES CORP DARLENE YOUNG P ? Citp of Cagan &Rrhaettt af Wuning 3wrrtinn T7tis Ccrtrfua1e issued pursuant !o the reiguiremexts of Sertioa 306 of 1he Unijorm Brulding Code certifying tbat a1 the time ojissuance this sriucture K+as in complianae wilh the mrious ordinances of the G'tY reSulating buildin8 construclivn or use For the followutg.vwcw.s.w.. CnMMERCIAL REMODEL BWS. Pav%k Nm 19133 o,w.,,.7 'rYV, B- 2 7*04 Dbtriu Tra COM a.,a,g&a&g VERN COLON Ada,,. 2121 CLIFF DR ..- - 2121 CLIFF DR ._ ... Ll. Bl_ [:F:T)AR ('T.TF'F rfwm neurr .?,1 OlA'rn_ ? ? OCTOBER 17 , 1991 . _ . .. ALt, cREDir rDRrAGE Kei.fifiea#e vf Cceupanc? _..?Witv of ?agan ??e?rartmeat ai'xilbiug ?a??ection This Certifcate issued pursaant to the requirentents of rhe Uniform Building Cade , certifying that at 1he trme of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various oridinances of the City negFrlating building constructron or use. For the following: Use Ctassifiatiot OM/T11F1 MTGY' eldg. Pcrmit No. _T/.J a-u+-Y TyPe Zoni^S Dkbict Type Const. t? ?r ?, .? ? Ownn of Buildioa C??t7 Addces` ? /, ?} vrL+r?zi-a r-r? , Z?- e.ia;ng aea,= 2121 (;LT?F ROM Lowkry PARK ? D„s: _ euiimng officW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 1? • r, ?4 ? WtrtifICQte nf cCCIpQIiC? wi" of Wagan ??}e.partracur oF'8xilbacg anoection This Certificate issued pursuant to tht ?equirerrrents of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliar:ce wirh the various orrlinances of the Crty regulating building constructron or use. For the followrng: ux aalpecuion: MWM MISC Bidg. Permi[ No. M58 oa„E,,-y Tya zoning aauxt rya con5t. owr. ar suiiai?s S(IHAFE.'R RIMA.RD" IN!; Aem? 2127 aJ'E' EL EA('AN euiwing ,,eanm 2121 ?.IFF i,a,,;,y L 1, B 1, CQ1AR a.IE'F 92H9IAL PK L", •y- ?. / ?. . ,:.( % ?. ? (1 ? , -i ' 'f - ,. Date: Buildiog OR'icial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAGE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection: EA087788-01 This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certing that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: Business Name: Dr. Tim Weggschied Permit Number:. EA087788 Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: Sprinkler System: Zoning: PD Code Edition: Building Address: Building Owner: Owner Address: 2007 MSEC 2121 Cliff Dr CCRE LLC 615 1st Ave NE Ste 500 Issued Date CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EA060997 City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: Business Name McPete Partners Permit Number _EA060997. Construction Types V N Zoning PD - Code Edition. Occupancy Groups Building Address 2121 Cliff Dr 101 Building Owner V VRC LLC Owner Address 994 WINSTON CIR .'.Sprinkler System No 9/11/2003 Building Official Issued Date CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EA061609 City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: :Business Name Advisors: Mortgage Permit Number _EA061609 Construction Types II -B Zoning PD - Code Edition. Occupancy Groups B Building Address 2121 Cliff Dr 110 Building Owner V VRC LLC Owner Address 994 WINSTON CIR .'.Sprinkler System Yes 10/15/2003 Building Official Issued Date CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EA038962 City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: Business Name Advance Medical Institute/ #212 Permit Number EA038962 Construction Types Zoning: - Code Edition. Occupancy: Groups Building Address 2121 Cliff Dr Building Owner Cedar Cliff Properties Owner Address 2127 Cliff Road Suite #E .'.Sprinkler System No 1/11/2000 Building Official Issued Date CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EA049391 City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: Business Name Advanced. Medical Institute .Permit Number _EA049391. Construction Types II -B Zoning PD - Code Edition. Occupancy Groups B Building Address 2121 Cliff Dr Building Owner V VRC LLC Owner Address 994 Winston Cir .'.Sprinkler System No 10/16/2002 Building Official Issued Date