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1847 Cliff Lake Ct - Certificates of Occupancy? W,ertiftcate of cccujoanc? Wav of ftean 2**Vrtncxt sf Vaii* 3860ccdoa This Certiftcate issued pursuant to the riequrrrments of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time ojissrtance this srrvcture was in compliance wirh the various eakc ordinances of tke City rrgulating butlding cortstrtrction or crse. For the following: u. d=isxation: SF D41G ebg. N,.ot Ho. 27143 o-UP-.Y TAM R3/U I Zooft uiM;a PD Tra co". VN omĀ« a e,,;,a? H3FFfAN HM IlWC nae,m 2214 E 1171H ST. BfJRNSlRliE 8.D" Ad&= 1847 (7LM I.AiM CqRT L13, B1, a.IFF LARE SHOEtFS Doc: Buikhm 011?cWi ?- POST IN A OONSPICUOUS PLACE -- ` 'ficate nf ccc"anc? ??M of Cpagan 20artment of loxowg Uoection T/ris Certicate issreed pursuant !o [he requiraements of rhe U+ziform Building Code ctrtifying that at the tinre of issreance this structus+r was in compliance with [he various orrdinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: usc cussirwuwm SF QkG ewg. Pemit rw. 77164 OoaWrncY 7ype R-3/U I 2oma6 Disgkt PD Type Consc NN owaff or euiw? HOFFK4N H2W IlM Aemen2214 E 117'IId ST, Rtmmvn 1az Baildieg Address 1844 Q,IEtF -LAKE l,awky i.l?, B I, f3.IFF T11KF. 4gM5?S Dose: ? /pull6ng Olfic al POST IN A CONSPICUOI)S PLACE v yr I 0% Wtrtiticate vf cccuvanc4 (fitv of "an Tto"twat .? VUMWB This Certificate issaed pursrtunt to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying thal at the linre of issuance this stnrcrure was in compliQnce with tfte various ordinances af tht City rrgwlating brsilding canstructron or use. For the following: ` use e?assifica?ion: SF I?' aldg. Prmut No. 27146 ? OC-P-Y TyPe R3III I ZooWg Diaaia PD Type Const. 4N ? OweerofBnildioa HOFFZM HM IW, AdBress 2214 g 1173H ST, MRSMIE ? s,iw7 1855 CLIFF iM ?,,ny Ll6,. B1 - 2IFF I? ?S ; DI.: ? POST IN A CONSPICl10US PtACE ?? Wer#ificate of ccc"anc? WU4 of W-agan Zqmrbneut ? Vaffl"% 3x#Oftdnx This Cerrificate issucd pursaant to the ?rqwireinents of the Uniform Buildireg Code certifying tfiar at rhe rime of issua?rce this strrwlure was in compliance wirh the various orriinances of tfu Ciry regulating building construction or ase. For tlie fo!lowi+eg: ux clMifiauoe: SF DWG Bldg. Pemu, No. 27145 o=wm,r 7Yw R3/U 1 Zming nasu;a PD Tya cong. VN o.,,,;w;.g WFPMAN MES IlVC Add,.. 2214 117IH ST E. MWVn7R B?? Adkhm 1857 (? LW OOURT Lo?;ry L 15, B 1, CLg'F NM 5ttl0M Doe. soW&a omcw / POST IN A CONSPlCUOUS PLACE