1310 Cliff Rd - SAC Determination LettersMetropolitan Council ? Workiny for the Region, Planniny for the Future Environmentai Services July 27, 1999 Mr. Todd Wind Fredrikson & Byroq P.A. 1100 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55402-3397 Re: Pazkview Golf Course Dear Mr. Wind: 1-3/o C /° 4 W. 12? Sec??°h 3? This letter is in response to your letter of July 16, 1999 reguding the SAC assignment for the subject properiy. In regud to your first question concerning the availability of sewer service to your propetty. The need to have a manhole constructed adjacent to your property is not a requirement of the Metropolitan Council (MC) and sounds like an azrangement that the Parkview Golf Course may have made with the City of Eagan. Our policy simply requires, that since this is an existing golf course, the SAC charges aze to be paid to the MC, by the City, at the time the connection permit is issued to the golf course. Since the SAC charges have already been paid, I assume the connection permit has already been issued for sewer service to the golf course. The means of how this connection is made is between the City and the golf course. In regazd to your second issue, the MC is required to bill a poction of iY s debt service charges on to communities in the form of SAC fees as new buildings are either constructed or connected to the sewer system for the first time. These charges are assigned in the form of SAC units. SAC assignments are made based on established criteria that the MC developed. One SAC unit is equivalent to a potenaal flow of 274 gallons on a given maximum day. The criteria for a golf course can be different depending on what other amenities aze available. The basic SAC assignment for an 18 hole golf course is 3 SAC units. This assumes that the golf course has sanitary sewer services available for its patrons at a clubhouse or public restroom. T'his criteria was based on the premise that the golf course would have 280 golfers on its maximum day and over the course of playing a round of golf (4-5 hours) each golfer would have used the wastewater facilities once. In reality, some golfers may use the facilities more often and other golfers not at all. 230 East FI(th Stree[ Se. Paul. Minneso[a 55101- L626 (651) 602-1005 Fax 602-I 183 TDD/TiY 2293760 Arr Fimnl MvvvrnNm Fmnln..v , . ,, I have reviewed the criteria for the additional charges for the Parkview Golf Course and believe that this assignment may have over estimated the potential flow to the system for this use and thus resulted in an over charge. The assignment was made by taking the seating in the snack baz area, 58 seats @ 22 seats per SAC unit. This criteria is normally used for a fast service restaurant with no water used in food preparation or dishwashing. It is our understanding that the clubhouse offers a minimum food menu with no food preparation or dishwashing water. Thus, the SAC assignment seemed to be coaect and was based on projected wastewater flow from the patrons that stay uound to have a snack and a refreshment. The criteria also assumes that the restaurant would have 5 fitls during the day or 290 people. Since the golf course criteria is based on only 280 goifers per day and since Parkview Golf Course has no other amenities to attract patrons, the criteria was wrongly applied. We believe that a more realistic projection would be to use 1/3 of the pauons of the golf course in applying the criteria to the snack baz azea. This resulu in the following reassignment of SAC units: I SAC Umts Chuges: Golf Course (18-hole) 3.0 Snack Bar 95 people @ 2.5 g/p @ 274 g/SAC unit •87 Total Chazges: 3.87 or 4 Based on this review, the City of Eagan should file, as part of it's next SAC report, an amended report for the Parkview Golf Course and take a 2 unit credit against it's chuges for that month. If you have any questions, please call. Dnald ly,S Bluhm Manager, Municipal Services Unit Wastewater Services Department cc: Dale Schoeppner, City of Eagan S. Selby, MCES 7odi Edwazds, MCES Metropolitan Council ? Working for the Region, Planning /or the Future ^ Environmental Seruices pctober 16, 1998 Dale Schceppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has determined SAC for the parkview Golf Course to be located within the City of Eagan• This project should be charged 6 SAC Units, as determined belov+• C 't Charges: Golf Course (18-hole) Snack Bar 58 seats @ 22 seats/SAC Unit If you have any questions, call me at 602-1113. 5incerely, *G S. &ffncL 7odi L. Edwards Staff Specialist Municipal Services Section JLE: (235) 981016S5 clc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Quinn Flutso4 CNH Architects AREA CODE CHANGES TO 851 IN JULV, 7998 230 East FiRh Street St. Paul, Mlnnesota 5510 1-1626 (612) 602•1005 M Fqual Opponw?4 rndwwr 3.00 2.64 Total Chazge: 5.64 or 6 Fax 602-1183 TDD/TIY 229'3760 ? Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning /or the Future Environmentai Seruices July 27, 1999 Mr. Todd Wind Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. 1100 Intemational Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis MN 55402-3397 Re: Parkview Golf CoursP Dear Mr. Wind: 1`3 io I /3% Ser This letter is in response to your letter of 7uly 16, 1999 regarding the SAC assignment for the subject property. In regazd to your first question concerning the availability of sewer service to your properry. T'he need to have a manhole conswcted adjacent to your properiy is not a requirement of the Meuopolitan Council (MC) and sounds like an arrangenient that the Parkview Golf Course may have made with the City of Eagan. Our policy simply requires, that since this is an existing golf course, the SAC charges are to be paid to the MC, by the City, at the time the connection permit is issued to the golf course. Since the SAC charges have already been paid, I assume the connection permit has already been issued for sewer service to the golf course. The means of how this connection is made is between the City and the golf course. In regazd to your second issue, the MC is required to bill a poction of iYs debt service charges on to communities in the form of SAC fees as new buildings are either constructed or wnnected to the sewer system for the first rime. These charges are assigned in the form of SAC units. SAC assignments are made based on established criteria that the MC developed. One SAC unit is equivalent to a potential flow of 274 gallons on a given maximum day. The criteria for a golf course can be different depending on what other amenities are available. The basic 5AC assignment for an 18 hole golf course is 3 SAC units. This assumes that the golf course has sanitary sewer services available for its patrons at a clubhouse or public restroom. This criteria was based on the premise that the golf course would have 280 golfers on its maximum day and over the course of playing a round of golf (4-5 hours) each golfer would have used the wastewater facilities once. In reality, some golfers may use the facilities more often and other golfers not ai all. 230 East FIRh SVeet St. Paul, Mlnnesota 55101-1626 (651) 602-1005 Fax 602-1163 TDD/TTY 229-3760 F.mMniwr nn Fnuni fhrmmiNnl I have reviewed the criteria for the additional charges for the Parkview Golf Course and believe that this assignment may have over estimated the potential flow to the system for this use and thus resulted in an over charge. The assignment was made by taking the seating in the snack bar area, 58 seats @ 22 seats per SAC unit. This criteria is normally used for a fast service restaurant with no water used in food preparation or dishwashing. It is our understanding that the clubhouse offers a minimum food menu with no food prepazation or dishwashing water. Thus, the SAC assignment seemed to be coaect and was based on projected wastewater flow from the pauons that stay around to have a snack and a refreshment. The criteria also assumes that the restaurant would have 5 fills during the day or 290 people. Since the golf course criteria is based on only 280 golfers per day and since Parkview Golf Course has no other amenities to attract patrons, the criteria was wrongly applied. We believe that a more realistic projection woutd be to use 1/3 of the patrons of the golf course in applying the criteria to the snack bar azea. This results in the following reassignment of SAC units: SAC Umts Chuges: Golf Course (18-hole) Snack Baz 3.0 95 people @ 2.5 g/p @ 274 g/SAC unit .87 Total Chazges: 3.87 or 4 Based on this review, the City of Eagan should file, as part of iYs next SAC report, an amended repott for the Pazkview Golf Course and take a 2 unit credit against it's charges for that month. If you have any questions, please calt. Dnald ly,S Bluhm Manager, Municipal Services Unit Wastewater Services Depaztment cc: Dale Schoeppner, City of Eagan S. Selby, MCES Jodi Edwazds, MCES