3604 Falcon Way - Site Survey'-? .fTnv vurTnivrnli.ir rrv.qnnrav . oni t i.rav?mmA Mnr.FVnRn . MTNNr.APOLTS. hLU • PFlOF]F:: Z74-474f] ? CERTIFICATE OE SURVEY E'OR: ORRIN THdMPSON HOMES A Division of U.S. Home Cotpo[ation BENCHMARK: Top nut of hydrant at southwest corner of Hummingbird Lane and Falcon way. Elevation = 904.54 ft. (NGVD-1929) FRONT GARAGE SLAB: Elevation = 906.05 ft. Scale: 1" = 30' • Iron monument found ¦ Spike or wood stake set ,900.0 Existing spot elevation ?draina?e ? UJi/ity Easemenf. 5 69°21'54"E 125.90 Q p O b ^ , m Q W 6.4 / ' rv = ? 83 z 0 0 ? co I U ro I J ? ,y N I ?m U_ i ? m ? O ? ? .9 W, ° a LOT 2 pm m 2R 15' N 0 O N tJ 89'21'54"W 126.54 Got 2, Block 5, LEXINGTC)N PLACE SOUTH, Dakota County, Mirmesota I hereby crrCiCy [hat tliis is a truo and correct representation of a survey of the Mundaries of Che lnnd above descciUed and oE the location of all buildings, if any, checeon, and al1 visible encroachments, if any, fcom oc on said land. I EurCher certiCy [ha[ thls survey vas prepaced by me or un8ec my direet supe[vision and Chat I am a duly Regis[cred Land Surveyoc undcr Che laws of the SGate of Minnesota. • MN Reg. No. IV= Date ? Proposed House x As-BUilt House_ Drawn 6v EN PrniorY ?n_85104