4664 Fairway Hills Dr - Site SurveyTRI-LAND C0. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE OOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESQTA 55126 SITE PLAN FOR: 9(o(o? SEASONAL BUILDERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION; LOT9,BLOCKI , FAIRWAY HILLS IST onDITION ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ? THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA "7he ondanlgned Mre?r eoreltU• to NUNYCO0. 6arlnp Bank, F.S.B. •nA thAt [hg yNet o[ surrey corceetly Mwe the prolses SCALE' ???c?Q? dencrlbr on [ ??yf11e) mnd the locatlon o[ anr ood Ul bulldlnRat . •tructure4 •nd other lmprorements f?tusud on dia p/d ynwlle4, aIl opPlttnhle utWek lfnts sad all•onuments, rI{hu-o(-ray and other enCfanchMqb os OT !rw tht premlsu Uh4t an knor to [M unde[el{ned, that are rigl?1e en the prodop er thac an e( rued,• ? ? e LoT e 3D : m ? ? + S88047 ; 5 E ? O 14 W lo=° '"p'y sr.oo ?. ? ?os?- ? ?O' ? , p9? °? v?iosA a? ? O I > O ? ? 4 ?I I ? J r?? I J ? , = I _ ? LOT 9 I >- ?° 3 3 a 3:. N v 'y I LV cr_ I Q o '\-A'Oy?.?` J,- ?, ,, . 10 . 7, cp= I•°' I.+S88°47'S9"E' 141.20 ; hWK?W 0 ? 0 LOT IQEaG IN REVI Evvt: r) ry ? _ ? ? eY--.?...._.,.?..?u_...?.. _ ? D6TE l- zc'-y3 AGAN ENG NEERING T7EP OOSTER PUlOP REQUIRED LEGEN6 IPNRR ELEYAT101?f f P SERVICE EMlo?° -n o DENOTES IRON MONUIriENT PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATIDN ¦?3z ? ? DENOTES WOOD HUB SET PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = ic33 =° DENOTES EXISTING SPOT PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION ELE VATI ON DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION NOTE ? VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS 1 henby ctrtify that this iurvey,plan or report was prepared by ms or un0er my dirsct suparvision ond fhat I om a duly Repictsred Land Surveyor under Th• Laws of fha Stato of MinnesoTa Bradley J. Pi4ry4on,, Mn. Rep. No. 15235 Date - TRI-LAND C0. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55126 SITE PLAN FOR: SEASONAL BUILDERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LaT--$-,BLOCKI , FAIRWAY HILLS IST oDDITION ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ? THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA "the under?IRneA 110rrbY «rllflr• to MONYCOR Snvlasl Ilonk. r.5.11. and thn[ tLc prln[ of •urv<r cortecUy •ho-n Uhe premlee• SCALE: ???=3Q? donctll??A on t,le •urvry and tii• lacn[lan of sny and •Il bul]dlnp,e, eiructure• and at6ef 1Tprnvrwrnto sItun[ed on t6e seld premlern, •ll •rriirnbir met6nck llnss nnd ell ensrmrnte, rIRhU-of-vny and other rocronehoenfo on br Iraw [L< preolie• thet afe knov to [he undersldned, [hec •re rlslple on [he prewUet ot tMt ate ot roeord." Q m ? IQ i? ILL Ld ,o:e ? I 0 I J ?U, J 12 3l. oa ?0.31 I o ? i.+S88°47'59 ;p I ,ECEvhoNB ? Wvcvru. E ? to m LEGEND a DENOTES IRON MOfiUMENT a DENOTES WOOD HUB SET DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION I hvety csHify thot thii swvey,plon or rspori was preparsd by ms or under my direct supervision and thut I am a duly Repictared Land Surveyor under fhe Laws oi the STafe of Minnesota. "E ? m ? LOT 8 14120 ? r ?v 37. oo _ - 1os?• v ? 0 O A q ?l l ` Q Y OD I ? LOT 9 ? L ' ? a Z Qt? c?E- v L? 96 60 o,?a. N o z? ?_ % -?-?- j ; °.y? LOT 10 ERT WPJ nr'roVM*)VVicPgWPKI?lffl="ws M PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION = /.- • ? : PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION NOTE • VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PIANS @radley J. Swenson, Mn. Req. No. 15235 Dafe TRI'LAND CO. SITE PLAN FOR: SURVEYING SERVICES SEASONAL BUILDERS 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55126 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-1-91EILOCKJ-, FAIRWAY HILLS IsT eDnITION ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ? THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA "The nnderslgned ho[eby tertiflo. [o MUNCCON Sar(ngs lank,?.6.N. onA that the yrlnt o[ •urver eortectly dlove the prewlsN SCALE' (??=3Q? dexcrlhrd oe t s wrver and the loea[1on of sny anxl •Il bulldlnRs, . stniecuree •nd o[het Swprovements sStus[ad en the edd prewtnes, •II •pPllenble setbaek lines and eL1•iiesesentai rf6hts-of-rar and otber encrancheents on 6[ [rw tho PrqUH that an knmr te [M unden/gnedo thet •re risible sn the pnw(ws or ehac on et reeord." - ?4 LOT 8 3° ? m v W ioss ,`°p?'a? S88°47'59"E ? 14120 p ? 0 0???'- ?io??•9?' ???? p Cl I J ??. ? ? I OD LOT 9 I b? ?it I? N < yi N .AO ID; '7,C0 _Wi'Z' 1.1SS8?47'59"E' pTMae- ip I rry? ? 0 •@ 141.20 r LOT I9EA GA IN ? E wFQ a y D6T?l - 7 C? -?3 EAG.AN ERTGINEERING DEP ?????? ????MFED o DENOTES ERON MONUhENT PROR POSED GARAG E F OOR IC E EVX AT 0'N=?7 io ?s- ? DENOTES WOOD HUB SET PtOPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = i?33 = DENOTES EXISTING SPOT PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR =?°z • ELEVATION ELEVATI ON DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ,,,-DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION NOTE ? VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS I hareby certify fhat thia swvay,plan or roport was prepared by ms or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Reqistered Land Surveyor under the Lows ot the Stote of Minnesota. Brodley J. %riyry4on,, Mn. Req. No.15235 Date