3668 Falcon Way - Site Survey} ... r ? -n ? ?y?AL E SIGMA s URvEYa ni G sERvacEs 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 4523077 i° = 4-a ?GD i? d? 'a01 o2 ?. / A! ,, l .. ?\_,Z? 1?,b e CerNflcole For : Frontder idwest Corporation MOr_>EL-' ?jTAFFORID ti ? N 3o qCO, ? S, L 0, ? s i?N V-? 1?471- '-,::: i.1{.?i Y : ?i.. WAYNE D. CORDES -14675- -LEGEND " O Lienotes 1 ron Monurrent ° Qenotes Wocd Hub Set x qA4,5 Iknotes Existirg Spot Elevation (xtuowW Denotes Proposed $pot Elevat)on ,_--- Denotes Drainage Direction -PROPFRTY DESCRIPTILri- LOl 11 ,BL0.'H "7 Lz,-)oti1G'fON PI,ACE GlOUT+-I according to the recordeef plat thereof, DAKO'f'A Counfy, AlInnesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLODR ELEVA lION= 4104 •c? PIKJPOSED Top of Slock ELEVATION= 90'4'b PROPOSED BASEkENT FLDOR ELEVA7ION= 901. $ NorE: Verify all floor heights with Final,Nouse Plans. -,$UAVEM CERTIF1CATf(Xd- I hereby certify that this survey, pian or report was preparErl by me or urder my direct supervisian ard that 1 am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor urz?le`r the laws of the State of Minnesota. W 6?,.•?.. ? ?OL_ oate: - 8 ?y /8S Wayne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14675