3671 Falcon Way - Site Survey8iOMA -N- kh ??? o.?? k? hGAI.E:I?'40?q4?+ . suavevIn?o SEFlVICE8 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452-3077 ? / / .? / ?\\\\ V : w O?\ ? Vv ?5 '? o? ?AO? y ? Qa y2op?°? ? . `CERTIFICATE FOR: nOME d W l4)[ HS IAND Dk VEl Ofti Hti flE Al IURS COMPAfdIES % ? * rp5 . " ? o.x -?p0%02 P ? aLc,O ` WAYNE D. CORDES -LEGEND - O Lenotes Iron Mauwnt m Lenotes Woai Hub Set x q04.40enotes Existirg Spot Elevalian („??y Aenotes Proposa! Spot Elevation _.?Qenotes Orainage Direction -PHOPEKTY DESCRIPfIQN- LOT I BLACK _4 I.E)UNCqT09 PLACE '(70U10 accordirg to fhe reccrded plat thereof, ('ounty, Mimesota ., MODC1..s GAM5RIDC-ro /__? / / ? . d ? ? .. ?r - 14675 - PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELfVAT10N= 904•4VAiDVO$ED TOp Of 910Ck ELEVATION= &104"1 PROPOSEO BASEY£NT ff.00R ELEVAT70Na Oq I•1 Wfo NO?TE: Verify afl floor heights with Fina! Nouse Plarts. IFI I hereby certity tlut this survey, plan or report was prepsred by me or urder my direct supervision arr/ that 1 am a duly Registered LaM Surveyor wder the laws of the State of Mimesota. cj'b- oete: y?'tX' N'ayne D. Cordes, Winn. Reg. No. 14575