3141 Farnum Dr - Certificates of Occupancy(gtr#ifirxtr nf (Orrupttriru '
Citp nf Cagan
Brpttrfinen2 nf 1.?uilbing 3ns.pertimi
Tbia Certifirate i.rtued purtuant to the requirementi'af Sertion 306 0f the Unitorrrs Baiklrng
Code cnti/ying that at the time of itrirarat tbit teructure was in rompliance wirfi the variaru
ordinannr ot the City rcguloting bui(ding rontnucrian oy un. For the followrng:
1 of 4 PLEX .' MecP,,,,,;,No. 7354
UN CYmfiuum
o=wmTva R3 *rPC?me Vn F;m NA z?aPD
a.,,?m?s Coac?iman Land Co. Add,n,2432 Prior Ave. No., Rosevi
Makt,aamm3147 Farnum Drive L?h2.ot 4 Plock 2.Coachulan Land
Co. lst
1-th-" ?
B- ?m December 2_, 1482
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(?rrftfirtt?? nf COrruPttrirg
c?itp of ?agan
?c}?ttrtmeni ?f ?uild'mg ?l?aprciimi
Tbu Cnrif itau irtutd purtwtnt to tbe +equiremrnu o f S«tian 306 a f tJx Uniform Bui(ding
Code rMifpng rhu+ ru ebc Jime of istua+ur thit tnwcture was in 'omQlianca witb thc va+imu
ordinanas a/ the City ngu/ating building rontnration or ure. For the /o!louMnB:
1 OQ 4 PLEX gme.eemmttw. PD
u..a.mr?? R3 'yv.c?? Vn FinZon?NA?Wanct gnse
- _--A ?,._ ...__2432 Prior Ave. •• --
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(Ser#ifirttte of (Orrupanry
titp of eagan
IlPptlYtUlPltt IIf Blttlhif[3 3t18}1P111UT[
Tlnr Cc+tifirute itmed purrmant to t& requrrerrsaau of Sertron 306 of tix Unilorm BuiJding .
Cak arti f ying that at t& tirru of ittuarat tbit ttruttun wat in rmn pliarue wirb tlx variau
ordinantri of the Citr rtgulating 6yildirsg wrutruttion or ure. For t!x faUowing:
u„?ufflew. 1 of 4 PLEX ad& r.m,N,. 7352
a?w,qTyv, -R3 ryo,c.mo un Fmz NA u"? PD
a„„,fm,ud, Coachman land Co. Ad„s2432 Prior Ave. No., R
? a,,: August 26. 1982
.o., ?. . ??<?W. ...?.
Ttxti#irtt#e vf COrrupttnri'i
Citp of Cagan
OPpartmrnt nf 'Nuilbing JnspPrtimt
Tbrt CMificatc ittutd Qx+tuqnt to the rcguirrntenrt of Scrtion 306 of the Uni form Bailding
Codc rati fying thar ae tlx time of isctwrat ehir rtruau+c wat in complianct with the varioru
ordinarurt of the City ngulating buildrxg rottn+urtion or utt. Far the /ollowing:
U. ch.111owm 1 of 4 PLEX ew,.hm, NO. 7351
'owmw,7 Ty,w R3 TyPCm? un fl,.a , D?A Z?Dlfld PD
O.abdd?„ Coachman Land Co. inn,?2432 Prior Ave. No. Rosev
?1? BY Co. lst
A?e- Dm Auqust 26, 1982
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