3153 Farnum Dr - Certificates of Occupancy(grx#i#irtttr of (Orrupttnry
Citp of tEagan
Drpttrfmrcct uf Build'mg 3na}rrrtimc
7bit CMilicate iJtaed Purtuunt ro tbe nqui+emenu of Section 306 of the Uniform Building
Code rntifring that al the timr of issaarut ihit nrurture wat in comPliantr witb tbc varioru
adinanret of thrCity rrgulating brrilding ronnrrictioa or wst. For the fallowing:
1 of 4 PLEX 7417
U. cmandnm
uxdwwyTYw R3 bwcomw? V Fn? , NA z?rou+.m?i PD R3
o,,.„(B,Hdft Coachman Land Co. 2432 Prior Ave. No.. Rosev
S.MftA,d" 3155 Farnum Drive „aj.ot 2 Block 3,Coachman Land
^ ?n_ Co. lst
q?' xQ lR'1C ?:
?o? 8? a?? January 27, 1983
.o.. ?. . ?wa,. n..u
C?rx#ifirtt#? nf (?rru?ttnr?
Citp of eagan
IIrVttriment o# lguilding Jnsprrticm
Tbir Cnti f iuue iraacd purt"ru to tht rtqui+emcntt of Sectioa 306 0( the Uni/orm Bailding
Codr «rtifying that at tix time oj ittuarue thit ururture wat in tompliarue unt5 tbt variaru
ordinaruu ef tbt City ngalatiAg Muldiag ronnrurtios or utt. For t& foflouung:
U„cwnlfi?m 1 af 4 PLEX .y P?Na 7418
o, Tyo. R3 Tyo.c?uoe V enzoo. NA z.,mg.;,, (PD) R3
o,,,,,fBuOdft Coachman Land Co. Aad,?2432 Prior Ave. No., Rose
i,A*,,",m 1571 Four Oaks Rd. ?- Tot 3 Block 3.S'oachman L
V-,P&O k> Z(L? °y Co.
mlft,,afl?a 46P o,,,, November 24. 1982
.o.. ,. „ ? ...a
06rdifirtt#r nf (Orrupttnrlj
Citp of (Eagan
iBP}tFlYfriiPttt IIf B1tIldlltg JttSpPtftAYl
Tbir Cati fitatt ittutd Purtuuru to the requlrtmrnu af Settion 306 oJ tfx Uniform Building
Code mti f )ing that at the timt o f irruanrt lbiJ thurture was in rom plianu with the variour
ordinarsctt o f the City ngrlaring buiWing ronnrrutron or ure. For the following:
u..cr,dmLm 1 of 4 PLEX Bi,c,.?,No. 7419
om?*rm R3 *rPC.?? V: NA zm?rn.wa(PD) R3
Coachman Land Co. 2432 Prior Ave. No., Ros<
1573 Four Oaks Road,,,,,yLot 4,Block 3,Coachman L?
L/7AU Co. 1:
ft August 29, 1983
e?uameom? . ? p,K:
?Cntifirtttp nf Orrupttnry
Citp uf eagan
igrpttrfineni of f.?uilhing 3nsperticm
Tbir Cati firatc iuurd purtuqnt ro tbt nquitrmrnu of Section 306 of t!x Uniform BtdWing
Coda cntifying tbat at tlx time a f itmanct lhit ttrurtuie wat in tompliunct with the vatiottr
ordinanrer of tht City rrguloting buifding connrurtion or usr. For tbc f ollmuing:
U. cbfitim 1 0£ 4 PLEX &? ea??No 7416
o«?w rTra R3 TYPCmm?n? V c?.Z NA uwno?.mu?PD) R3
Coachman Land Co. AM,,,2432 Prior Ave. No., Rosevi
eWam,?aa,m3153 Farnum Drive L?ryLot 1,Block 3,Coachman Land
By: Co. lst
emw?coffidd vF,g- Do.: August 12, 1983
.a.. I. . ?I?14NJ. ..."