4797 Four Seasons Dr - Site SurveyCqrySU?.TIHU (fVl31ryEEAS +NG`I? C C fl ' ry ? PIRNNERs ond LpIVD iUflVCOMPANY, I(VC. IUGU EA9T 146m BTREET, BUHNSVIll4:, MINNE501A 663lCerti ficate o'f SLn4vey M-m3UUU Lega1 Descrildioq: L07/, gLaGK l, oyK C[.iFF 5711 ADDiTian/, T.440TA CovIv7Y, MiNNE,Sor,q (985. o ) DENOTGS EXISTING ELEVATION C986,7- ? DENUTES PfiOPOSEU ELEVATION ? INUICATES UIfiECIION OF SUPiFACE URqINAG'E 986•So = PINI51-IEU UAfiAtGE fLUUR ELEVATION 978.83 = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 98G•8? = TOP OF BLOCK ELEVATION SCALE : /" = 30' DR.41N4,!9,E AND UT/L/TY EASEMENT ?973• ?' , N ?so S I --- 879:8? ? n ?? 61OP p $ zs.ao ?R ?? ? ? ? 3 N ?C O o. 2.a, I J _ 11.33 a , wu °v - ? ??B/,3i ? oQC Z3a 0 s ? Ll N (9&.Z 2Zoo (99Z,a) ------ -$ ?99Z-?` ? 5 159° 48° 04,, w ? EAaAPd - 30' FRONT Bv/Cp/NG SETiW'? ' L /A/E ?983.4? I l 79.0; ? ? ? n d h ? 36? L 'J 3o.ci? I ID oI I JS.d• ? ??1 DEPT I hereby cerlify iliat lhis is a tiue nnJ correct repiesetiWivn of a lract of land us slivwn 7H end desctibed haraon, Aa ptepated by rne an this ?4 Jay ol .Q PK1C. /'?iL.` ..