1006 Danbury Ct - Site Survey* ** * * Pion ? engir [ Y *? T - oANBURY ? S 82050'00" E " 64. 80 CoURr 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (612) 681-1914 ? NoRrN M r-----_? ? \ r/)6 r ^+ j? M N Hous? ??_ 9.6; U VI.I /o I o W.o A°?' Ifl• O 1 ? d- ? ? x goo.o Denotes exisf?ng Elevat'vn F . soo•o Denofts PnvPosed Eleva?ion - -----' Duiofes Dra?na?e ?Ufili ? E"cisemen f -;- Denofes Droino?¢e F/ow Arrow o Denofes mor+umenf Bea?^inis sfrown Ore assumeor z_ o DAKOTq CnUN7y, MINNESOTA PWOPOSfD HouSE ELEVA770NS Lowrsf Floor flevaf;on = as9.3 Top ojOBIock flevafion _ aye.% Gpra,fe Sla6 Elevafion - 896.63 Su8JEC7 TO EASEMENTS OF RFCORD 1 hereby ttttify thet this b s true and cone[t representation a1 e surveV of the bovndsrin o} the sbow d lbed leM, and o1 the loddon oi It Wildings, thxeon, and aII rfeible encroechmentt, ii eny, from a on pid tand. As surveyed hy ma ehis y oi A.D. 19.?• Qrd: Fl?pPcd F??r 5?3o?d9 ' SI.O Ie • ( i nch ? 44 fee+ ROBEa . SIKICH 1.5•AEG. NO. 1 91 ?9?7f LMNO wwverotes• ava APCHITECiS Certificate of Survey for: YALLEY INVESTMENTS * pion * engir 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 W O ? O M e ry?? (612) 681-1914 INVES7MENT5 oQNBURY couar I S SZ°50'A7" E -- 64. 80 891.4 j a-S,% 1 23 n m I,i ? l B 91. 89 'f q ?? \ l? ?.. \ L9 X\ ? s 6 I ? ? \ 6qR °?? ?, - -? HCappsEp ? HougE N i*3 w. a, j x 900.0 Denofes exrsfini Elevcrtion ? . soo.o Denofes proposed Elevafion - ------ Du?ofes Drainage (Ufili tj fasemen f Denofes Droinoge now Arrow o Denofes monumenf Bearin s shOwn pr'e assumed PQIOPDSED fI0u5E EL EVAT70NS Lowest Floor flevaf;on = e89.3 Top ot Block Elevafion = s%.% Garafe Sla6 E/evafion - 696.(A _ , . :01" l6' L=31 LEXIIU=N SQ(!Al7E 7TNADDIT7aN DAKOTA CotJA?7Y, MINNESOTA $UBJfCr TO EA5EMENTS OF QECdQD I hereby certVfy tMt this is e true arW correct rapresenbtion of eiurvey of ihe boundsries of the above d nhsd lerd, md of the Iontion ol tl Wildinq, thereon, nM dl vhible enttoachmentf. if anY, lrom w on vid lard. Af furveyed 6Y me thif?IMV oi dYak4 A.D. 19. i Strp I` • j rnch = 40 feef qOBERT . SIKICH L.5 RE6. NO. ) 91 •CIVIL oering •. LHNDPLRNNERS• LFN?4PE A' Certificate of Survey for: YAL'LC Y ? NORTN WY,k D ._vild.t?; G DEPT e?' ?, !n E ?1 C? ? , I iA?;?q REVIEWED ' DA7E-4 ?l - 51 ? 1 I