1190 Eagan Industrial Rd - Certificates of Occupancy-?•?; ?4-94. s?- ?;-- - - - - ----- -. _ - - -- - - ? y ` ?? ?. ? . . ? ? C?;ertt?tca#e of cccuvanc? ;16?? (AM of Wagan zqarrKmr of zKibagg 3860ertion This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of !he Uniform Building Qode , ccrtifying that at tl+e time of issuance tfeis structurr was in compliance with the various orriinances of the Ciry regulating building constniction or use. For the following: u. cim&.=6.: OMOM - IIMMVi. WAFOmlS6 awg. ernu;t rw. 26386 Occup--y rype S i Zowdag nmu;G II'N Tya caMe. L 1 o,,matewia? IER'BNAt. WAMICtIS'E (7D IlNC ,tiaa,m 1375 IROfTT BIi0M M. ST PAi1l. 8,;,? Ad&.,, 1140 F,PfAN INQTSiRIAL ED $1, F19CM](itE CIIt IlND PK #8 ?- -?- .? Doe: POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE '11?- ',,W, W,ertificate nf cccuv"c? (W? ? ?gan eowimcd 14 PNitbi" axivcction 77eis Certificate esstred pursewnt to the requinnrents of the Unifornt Building Code certifying that at du tinw oj issuanct this structure was in complia+ece wirh the varivrrs ordenances of tJu City rrgulaling build?ng constructron or use. For the fo![owrng: use a.ssifiuoo.:Q2M/IlMkMMMiAL WAMEISE swg. Permii rvo. 263R6 00-p-Y TYm Sl ZeRing Dwaa -IT-iJ 7ype Const. a:---?- OY'netOf Buildltg TOaMm . WARRMEE IM iWdtes6 I37ri UnTT APfYYf /'TT! GT DAfR Bwa " Adbcss l.ocalityiy7„2. RI y F TF C74 TAS1 W#8 n.: ? , ? 6ffi, d,, . POST IN A OONSPICUOUS PLACE