12/08/2008 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2008 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM – EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Communications Garrison, E-TV Supervisor Jeff Ongstad, City Engineer Matthys, Public Works Director Colbert and Chief Financial Officer Pepper. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION The Mayor called the meeting to order. Councilmember Bakken moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Tilley not yet present.) Councilmember Tilley arrived at 5:42 p.m. II. 2009 E-TV BUDGET City Administrator Hedges introduced the item, noting that on May 13, 2008 the City Council gave direction on a desired location for a new community television studio because its joint lease with the City of Burnsville at the previous studio was set to expire at the end of December 2008. Hedges added that on July 15, 2008 the City Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding with Thomson Reuters Corporation to build a new Eagan television (E-TV) public access studio on their corporate campus and a separate Memorandum of Understanding with Burnsville to govern the sharing of a mobile production van, and a division of equipment from the old facility. Hedges summarized the proposed 2009 E-TV budget. Communication Director Garrison and E-TV Supervisor Ongstad responded to questions of the City Council regarding the proposed budget. The City Council directed the 2009 E-TV budget to the December 16, 2008 City Council meeting for formal consideration. III. PRESENTATION ON EAGAN RAIN GARDENS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in June of 2007, the City Council approved the 2008 – 2012 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Public Works Infrastructure Part III. Hedges added that this is the first CIP that included water quality Special City Council Minutes December 8, 2008 Page 2 improvements as part of the five (5) year program that typically addresses street and utility improvements. City Engineer Matthys provided a summary of the rain garden program that has been implemented in the City of Eagan as part of the CIP. Matthys noted that 21 rain garden locations now exist in the City of Eagan. Mr. Matthys and Barr Engineering consultant, Fred Rozumaiski, provided a presentation on the purpose and effectiveness of the rain gardens. The Eagan City Council discussed the rain gardens and suggested possible education of the public through the City of Eagan newsletter regarding work that residents could do via independent landscaping that would provide the same or similar benefit as rain gardens. IV. FUNDING OF OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that since the financial audit that was completed in December of 2003, and continuing with all subsequent audits, the City’s independent auditors have been working with staff regarding the Government Accounting Standard Board (GASB) work on development and implementation of new accounting standards related to the reporting of Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). Director of Administrator Services VanOverbeke provided a summary of the work that has been done over the past five years with regard to OPEB. VanOverbeke provided a summary of the new GASB standards, and provided public policy questions and a proposed funding plan for the City Council’s consideration. The City Council discussed the recommendations of staff and directed that the following action be included on the December 16 City Council agenda: To approve the following implementation steps and funding sources for Other Post Retirement Benefits (OPEB) to meet the requirements of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Implementation Steps: 1.Set up a trust using the Public Employee Retirement Association as the Administrator and the State Board of Investments for investing the trust assets. Take the necessary steps internally to use the trust to process premium payments and to retain the necessary consulting services to meet the GASB Statement requirements. 2.Use City resources to finance the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability and to pay the 2008 and 2009 Normal Costs. 3.Transition to operating departments paying the annual Normal Cost for benefits related to employees by department over a period of time. The Benefit Accrual Fund would contribute $125,000 toward the Normal Cost in 2010 and continue a contribution declining by $25,000 per year, ending in 2014 with a $25,000 contribution. As the Benefit Accrual Fund contribution declines, the operating departments’ contributions increase until the operating departments are paying the full annual Normal Cost in 2015. Special City Council Minutes December 8, 2008 Page 3 4.Since operating departments would be paying for future benefits on an on-going basis, the City policy of requiring staff vacancies to accumulate funds be discontinued after all the related vacancy requirements currently in place have been concluded. Funding Plan: Total Funding Uses: Actuarial Accrued Liability$ 4,766,441 2008 Normal Cost 161,591 2009 Normal Cost 161,591 Total$ 5,089,623 Resources: Advanced From General Fund$ 1,778,473 Benefit Accrual Fund 2,311,150 Risk Management Fund 1,000,000 $ 5,089,623 The total dollar amount transferred to the trust may be adjusted per additional advice from the City’s auditors to ensure proper accounting and reporting for the fiscal years involved. Adjustments will be made through the Benefit Accrual Fund as necessary. V. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Maguire noted a recent article that appeared in the Pioneer Press regarding difficulties that residential builders are having in this economic climate. VI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. VII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Aye: 5 Nay: 0