2030 Rahn Way - Staff Report - Preliminary PlatSUBJECT: PRELIMINARY PLAT (IiADLER PARK) APPLICANT: SEMPER HOLDINGS, INC. LOCATION: Ll, Bl, DAKOTA COUNTY PLAT I NE 1/4 OF SECPION 31 EXISTING ZOIYING: COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (CPD) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: NOVEMBER 26, 1991 DATE OF REPORT: NOVEMBER 4, 1991 COMPILED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICAT'ION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a Preliminary Plat consisting of four lots on approximately 9.6 acres of land previously zoned Commercial Planned Development (CPD). BACKGROUND: On September 3, 1991 the City Council approved a Rezoning and Planned Development Amendment for this site from Planned Development/L,imited Business ? (PD/LB) to CPD and removed the zoning from the Mission Hills South Planned Development and created the Hadler Park Planned Development. The P.D. Agreement was ratified on November 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The site is currently owned by Dakota County and contains an existing 14,000 sq. ft. office building which until March 1991 was operating as the Dakota County Western Court facility. The site contains a]arge ponding area just north and east of the existing building and there is some signi6cant tree growth around this ponding area. 5urrounding uses include Cedar Ridge Christian Church and undeveloped PD/LB land on the south, drivers test site on the west, Park Center on the north, and the Rahn Cliff Crossings development to the east. SITE PLAN: The original Comprehensive Guide Plan and Planned Development Amendment application (submitted in March 1991) proposed a conceptual site plan containing five buildings and four access points to tbe site. This site plan also contained a number of on-site circulation problems. Between March and September 1991, many revisions were made to improve the site plan. One of the proposed buildings was removed so that no new buildings would be built on the south half of the site; one external access was removed; and all of the on-site circulation issues were addressed. In addition to these items, additional parking and drive aisle setbacks ? were provided; the overall landscape plan was substantially improved, but specifically along the south property line where a berm is also being provided to effectively screen the site from the residential area approximately 600' to the south. S` The existing 14,000 sq. ft. office building is anticipated to be converted to a medicaUdental office and a 12,500 square foot (approx.) Walgreens is planned in the NE comer of the site; and two Class I(sit down) restaurants were approved with a maximum square footage of 8,000 and 6,000 sq. ft. for the remaining two buildings. The Ciry Code requires off-street parking at a rate of one space for every 150 sq. ft. of retail and office space. Parking requirements for restaurants are figured at one space for every three seats based on design capacity. Calculating the entire site (40,000 sq. ft.) at the one space per 150 sq. ft. rate requires 260 on-site parking spaces. The plan provides 312 on-site parking paces. The actual number of required spaces may be reduced when the exact size of the proposed restaurants is known. Because some of the parldng is shared, the applicant will have to provide cross-parking ingress/egress easements with the Fina] Plat. The site plan shows maximum building sizes, but both buildings may be smaller depending on the tenants. As proposed, all building and parking setbacks meet Code requirements. The applicant has provided a building e]evation for the proposed Walgreens store. The buildiag materials listed are a combination of stucco, brick, textured block, glass, and tile accents. The City entered into a P. D. Agreement with the developer that requires all buildings to be reviewed by the Advisory Planning Commission and approved by the City Council and ? constructed of similar materials and colors. PARKS & RECREATION: The Parks & Recreation Department will be recommending to the Advisory Parks, Recreation, and Natura] Resources Commission a cash parks dedication based on the rate of $.055 per sq. ft. and a cash trail dedication based on the rate of $854 per acre. The rates listed above are for 1991 and are subject to change in 1992. SIGNAGE/LANDSCAPING: The applicant shall provide the Ciry an overall sign plan that meets the requirements of the P.D. Agreement. The preliminary landscape plan is the same one that was an attachment to the P.D. Agreement. It is well done demonstrating a mixture of overstory and understory deciduous trees and evergreens that should provide year-round color and continuity on all four lots, as well as screening. The final landscape plan must be submitted on a 5na1 grading plan. All landscaped and sodded areas shall be irrigated. 11 ,• rRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL• This development incorporates the low lying drainage pond and wooded areas along the south side of Cliff Road west of Rahn Cliff Road. The site also contains the pazldng lot and building previously owned by Dakota County and utilized as a Regional Courthouse Facility. The preliminary grading plan sbows maximum cuts of 27 feet in the southeast corner of the site where Pond AP-13 will be located and maximum 5lls of 9 feet along the south side of Cliff Road. Pond AP-13 is a designated ponding azea identified in the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. The developer shall protect and save trees along the north side of the pazldng lot of Lot 3 and south of the upgraded Cliff Road. The exact locations, types and elevations of the trees in this area shall be determined before 5nal platting to see how many of these uees can be saved. The development will direct a majority of its surface water runoff to the relocated Pond AP- 13 wluch will be in the southeast comer of the site. 'I'he preliminary grading plan also shows directing approximately 1.1 acres of this site in the northwest corner of the site to the nonhwest to the proposed storm sewer to be constructed with the upgrading of Cliff Road, City Project No. 609. The design of the new Pond AP-13 shall continue to meet the stormwater ponding requirements of the entire drainage area that drains to Pond AP-13. The pond receives ? runoff from the adjacent church to the south, the bank and service station to the east, the vacant land to the southeast in addition to ttris proposed development. The following is the pond data for Pond AP-13 based on fully developed conditions of the entire drainage area: Direct Drainage Pond Area na NWI. Pond Storage Volume Pond Outtlow Area (acres) creFmm NWI. To HWL 18.4 0.67 4.5 acre feet 2 cfs The outlet for Pond AP-13 will connect to a 12" storm sewer stub that will be provided with the Rahn Cliff Road street upgrading, City Project No. 609. This 12" storm sewer spstem will drain to the northeast to Pond AP-42. If any public improvements aze to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved at a formal public hearing prior to final plat approval. The development will be responsible for installing and maintaining erosion conuol measures in accordance with the City's Erosion/Sediment Control Standards. l? WATER OUALII'Y: The outlet for Pond AP-13 will be d'uected to AP-42, a man-made . sediment basin, and then to Cliff Lake, Pond AP-11. Cliff Lake is a Class II water body designated to support indirect contact recreation. Water quality ueatment requirements aze intended to eliminate any nutrient-based impacts to Cliff Lake as a result of developing this site. The proposed site for development includes Pond AP-13, a natural wedand of 1.6 acres that contains an open water azea of about 0.6 acres and is designated as a sediment basin in the City's Water Quality Management Plan. The developer proposes to eliminate this wetland and replace it with a water quality ueatment pond large enough to fiilly meet the Cit}'s on- site treatment requirements. Analysis using the City's water quality model indicates a pond with a surface azea of 0.67 acres and a minimum wet pond volume of 2.5 acre-feet will meet this criteria if all water from the 18.4 acre drainage area of AP-13 is routed through the new pond. The inlets should be separated from the oudet to the maximum extent practicable. The pond's outlet structure shall contain a sldmmer to contain floating debris in the pond. In addition, because AP-13 is a natural wedand included on the National Wetlands Inventory, the developer must receive written approval from the Corps of Engineers to 5ll this wedand. UTILITIES: Sanitary sewer of sufficient size, capacity and depth will be provided to this development along Cliff Road with the upgrading of Cliff Road, City Project No. 609. The preliminary utility plan shows connection to this sanitary sewer stub and extending an 8" line ? to Lots 1, 2 and 3 to provide sanitary sewer service to these lots. Water main of sufficient size, pressure and capacity is available to serve tlus development from an 8" water main stub that the City will be providing along Cliff Road and an 8" stub along Rahn Cliff Road. These stubs will be provided with City Project No. 609. The preluninary utility plan shows looping the 8" water main through this site to connect to the two 8" stubs. Staff recommends that the proposed sanitary sewer and water mains be installed in the pazldng and driveway azeas whenever possible to improve access to the utility lines. STREETS/ACCESS/CIRCUI.ATION: Access to tlris site will be provided from the upgraded Cliff Road and Rahn Cliff Road. The preliminary site plan shows access to Cliff Road and access to Rahn Cliff Road. Also, the existing pazking lot that served the Courthouse Facility will be reconstructed and the east access to Rahn Way will be removed. The west access to Rahn Way will remain in the same location. All streets or driveways within the plat are proposed to be privately owned and maintained. The private driveways and pazldng lots shall be constructed with poured in-place concrete curb and gutter, and the drainage will be d'uected into the gutter line and subsequently into an intemal storm sewer system. Is EASEMENfS/RIGHT-OF-WAY/PERMITS• The preliminary plat shows dedication of an additional 25 feet of right-of-way along Rahn Cliff Road along Lot 3 and an additiona130 feet of right-of-way along Rahn Cliff Road along Lot 4. The additional right-of-way is required for the upgrading of Rahn Cliff Road. The preliminary plat also shows 100 feet of half right-of-way to be dedicated along Cliff Road. The developer is dedicating 30 feet of half right-of-way for the future extension of Rahn Way to the west. The extension of Rahn Way is needed to provide access to the Drivers Training site to the west. The existing pond easement will need to be vacated after the new storm sewer system is in place. 'I'he preliminary plat shows dedication of ponding easement over the new location of Pond AP-13. All required easements of sufficient width based on depth of utilities shall be dedicated as a part of the plat. , The development will be responsible for ensuring that all regulatory agency permits (MPCA, MnDept of Health, MWCC, Corps of Engineers, MnDNR, Dakota County Highway Department, etc.) aze obtained prior to final plat approval. I* 0 FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - Hadler Perk Addition Based upon the study of the 5nancial obligadons wllected in the past and the uses proposed for the property, the following charges are proposed. The chazges are computed using the City's eiacting fee schedule and connections proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Improvement Rete Quantity Amount Water Availability $2,420/Ac 6.17 Ac $14,931 Charge Lateral Benefit 524.75/ff 746 ff 18,463 Water Trunk Lateral Bene6t $16.55/ff 746 ff 12346 Sanitary Sewer Trunk 45 740 The parcel presently has a pending assessment in the amount of $100,995 for Project 609. Project 609 is a street improvement project related to the upgrade of Cliff Road and Rahn Way. In addition, a number of fees and charges were not collected when the building, plumbing and electrical permits were issued in 1983, because it was a govemmental unit doing the development. Since the property is changing to private use, staff is suggesting that the following fees be collected as a condition of preliminary plat apprrnal or building permit issuance: City of Eagan sewer availability charge, water meter, water connection charge, building permit, plan review, Ciry electrical permit fee and heating and plumbing fees. * 0 0 IiADLER PARK CONDITIONS OF PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL: 1. These standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council action on July 10, 1990 shal] be complied with: Al, Bl, B3, B4, Cl, C2, C4, Dl, El, Fl, Gl, and Hl 2. All buildings shall be constructed of similar material and colors. 3. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall not be visible from the street. 4. All trash and recycling shall be contained within each building. 5. Landscaping, as shown on the Preliminary Plat landscape plan, and underground irrigation of these areas is required. 6. Iandscaping on the south side of the site shall be installed with the 5rst phase of development. 7. No outdoor display, or storage, shall be allowed. 8. No outdoor loudspeaker advertising shall be allowed. ? 9. An overall sign plan shall be submitted prior to final plat. 10. Cross-parking ingress/egress easements shal] be provided with the fina] plat. 11. No on-site lighting shall spill off site. 12. All signage shall meet the P.D. Agreement requirements and be subject to the one-time sign fee of $2.50/sq. ft. 13. AIl buildings will require individua] review by the Advisory Planning Commission and approva] by the City Council. 14. The developer shall protect uees along the north side of Lot 3. The exact locations, types and elevations of the trees in this area shall be determined before final platting to see how many of these trees can be saved. 15. Pond AP-13 shall provide 4.5 acre feet of pond storage volume and a pond outflow rate of 2 cubic feet per second. 16. The Water Quality Management Plan requires a pond with a surface area of 0.67 acres and a minimum wet pond volume of 2.5 acre-feet to ueat the runoff from this site. 0 17. The drainage off the parking lots and driveways shall be directed to the concrete curU and gutters and subsequently into an internal storm sewer system. 18. The fina] plat shal] dedicate 60 feet of half right-of-way along Rahn Cliff Road. 19. The final plat shall dedicate 30 feet of half right-of-way for the future extension of Rahn Way to the west. 0 ? STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT JIPPROVAL ? . A. Financinl Obliaations 1. This development shall accept its additional financial obligations as defined in the staff's report in accordance with the final plat dimensions and the rates in effect at the time of final plat approval. B. Easements and RivAts-of-Wav This development shall dedicate 10' drainaqe and utility easements centered over all common lot lines and adjacent to private property or public right-of-way. This development shall dedicate, provide, or financially guarantee the acquisition costs of additional drainage, ponding, and utility easements as required by the alignment, depth, and storage capacity of all required public utilities and streets located Aeyond the boundaries of this plat or outside of dedicated public right-of-way as necessary to service this development or accommodate it. 3. This development shall dedicate all public riqht-of-way and temporary slope easements for ultimate development of adjacent roadways as required by the appropriate . jurisdictional agency. 4. This development shall dedicate adequate drainage and ponding easements to incorporate the required high water elevation necessitated by City storm water storage volume requirements. C. Plans and Boecifications 1. All public streets and utilities necessary to provide service to this development shall be desiqned by a reqistered professional engineer in accordance with City codes, engineering standards, guidelines and policies. 2. A detailed grading, drainage, erosion, and sediment control plan must be prepared in accordance with current City standards prior to final plat approval. 3. This development shall insure that all temporary dead end public streets shall have a cul-de-sac constructed in accordance Wfth City engineering standards. 40 STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL PAGE TWO . , 4. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted on the proposed grading plan. The financial guarantee shall be included in the Development Contract and not be released until one year after the date of installation. 5. All internal public and private streets shall be constructed within the required right-of-way in accordance with City Code and enqineering standards. D. Public Smprovements If any public improvements are to be installed under a City contract, the appropriate project must be approved at a formal public hearing by Council action prior to final plat approval. E. Permits 1. This development shall be responsible for the acquisition of all regulatory agency permits in the time frame required by the affected agency.. F. Parks attd Trails Dedication 1. This development shall fulfill its parks dedication requirements as recommended by the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by Council action. G. water oualitv Dedicatiott 1. This development shall be responsible for providing a cash dedication iri addition to/in lieu of ponding requirements in accordance with the criteria identified in the City's Water Quality Management Plan. H. Other 1. All standard platting and zoning conditions shall be adhered to unless specifically granted a variance by Council action. AQvisory planniaq Commissioa Approved: August 25, 1987 Revised: City Council September 15, 1987 July 10, 1990 ' plataprv.coa LTS W2 . , • LocApoti1 Zeq-i t N q s 6LAIDS T4N 0 'll SW ...,.? ,? , .; ,. .3? ? _, yc , I I ...o., PflELIMINARY PLAT Of: IOTSUflVEYSCOMPANY,INC" HADLER PARK L<NO SIIflVEY0fl9 CITT OF EAGAN, COl1NTT OF OAKOTA J I .::`:N J.IT RO•a ? s•. CCONTI' S.-G'Z fID N•::Y :? .? I? PLA? !'p :9-J! :...? . y.. =I *i 1 M1f:':d D 0 C?,'f?`-` ? ROAO,( FLU'..* !9-£2 '? _ ? • ? ? i ?? .` '•. \ ?. o ] ' I I - .8 I? fi) + -- RI :: ,Stl?? .? ii `?C / ? -'+•1i I I . ? , + ?? 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Z t ...IRy? ?.. . ? - RAHN" WAY .... < i - -- 239,02 M89•3J'O4'W rv __""'1_' '__."- _ __ :• r.?r:.?. ? t 1.?, __"__"_n-,'-'_:.' « '_`__ - +• o ' b , . _.. . _...; . . . f•. . 6 ._ ,. { .,.._ . ; :: ,- ---- ----?*. ir::?- - . , ? .. . . .. . . .... .. . ? •.::::,? . . ? I I -- , • • • . .? :..._ - • . ? Nr WI t I. OI N !v 2I !i . I u i E? f ? - •.? ?xoo rvzs`x? .t .y I ` .? , ? ,• I : A D _? Z I 'U ? I V .. I i ?_?.? ; . ?'•::;., .: ' ? ? ^'._' • a« -- i z ? =? -- - . , .. ? -?:._ `i?=? _ ? • w . ;?r ,? FINANCIAL OBLIGATION .?` ****??F tA7Ei1A1. BENEFR SAf/RARY SEYYEH TRUNK ?X • , ,**?*!?C uTERAL BENEFR WATEfi TRUNK !s WATER AVAILABII.JTY CNARGE 1 ¦ooee A. AwocAwr .nd Aaaaa s? an.oaa .?a unmee = ? w?ou? ouc uax, r? ? ......o....?...a?r..?.e«.w. OwiM[RtoP[IIOFVRWYENf . ? :i--- ? .. 1 : i I I. ? : . t 5?. ? : ?- _"' _a ; • x . ? i' . ?Y B ?f 0? . . ? ? M ? ? s'9i ' : ? . -? -,--+-- . - - - ,.?:, . r r ~ 14 c ..? h ? ?y . ` - 1 ? ?NWS Ul ? r i ? y.. • Y'?. IB?r SILVEF _ c Ws. ?s AP-21.1 CL. V A ?v. w 7Zr NMi09 I x14M I nv-2s c( cL. m q<HN APM9 cEpOR [W MMf AP-50 CL. YII pP- C L. ?Y`Direct Contact ? Class I ? indirect Contact • Class II. D ,\ Scenic Recreation ?:.?. Clasol i - Wildlife Habitats Ciass IV Nutrient Traps w Ciass V ? ¢ Sedlment Basins ? Class VI lEgM Stormwater Basins O Class VII 911 . ? ? or BP-3 ' ? ' ? •n?cF CL. V ?E LANML 35 -?---i SCi . il AP-4\N. u/w °q A CL V ? CL. N # BP-25 BP-4 C J CL J .VII i CL.VII A J/?? >J a L. V Bv-l?il? • P-35 /III ?B-:11zO L. c?.v ?[?K:?53J??j l1 ??! ? API CL. ? X CL. V I ? M ? WATER (?t?AL TY M1ANAGEMENT PLAN ( CLASSIFICATION OF WATERBODIES CITY OF EAGAN -- --t-- ,,, , , - - - CoI ??