2750 Eagandale Blvd - 1982 Industrial Discharge Permit - Met Council(YIETROPOLITRfI UURITE COf1TROL CO(Y1fi11JllOf1 Twin Cities Rrea 3501TIETROIOURRE BLDG. 7TH 6 ROBERTfTREET! lp10T PpUL f110 55101 612122-8423 le-Z/ Fa% , and.Pk', 't ( September 10, 1982 City of Eagan Thomas L. Hedges, City Mgr. 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 kE! Ineiu,trial Cischarge Permit for Continentai Can Company located at 1205 Eagan_Ind,_Rd.., Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a coGy of the L'raft Permit for thz facility indicuted above for ihe d'scharye of ;ndustrial 4laste intc the MeircpeliCan Disposal System. If you hsve any ohjections to th2 issuanca of such a Pernrit, pleose notify the Com:nission in wri*ino vrit.'riin fifteen days. if no objeci:ions are received frcm you er t`e company, tno Permi'i will be issued. P'.ease direct ar.y correspnndence to jean I:rueger. 5incerely, --OVt44&u____.. Donald R. Madore llcputy Direttcr, QUdllt'f CD!:Lrol DRM: rw Enc',osure ... lPC4'-PO laP METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMPiISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA DRAFT INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT . w. Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473 as amended and the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal 5ystem 6 MCAR ? 6.010-6.019, permission is hereby granted to Continental Can Company at 1205 Eagan Ind. Rd., Eagan, MN 55121 for the discharge of Industrial Waste into the Metropolitan Disposal System through the community of Edqan to the Commission's Seneca 4lastewater Treatment Plant. 7his Permit is granted in accordance with the application filed on Fe6 26 , 19 82 , Permit fees of $ 90.00 , and in conformity with plans, specifications, and data as contained in the application as approved, all of which are filed with and considered as part of this Permit. Effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, general Permit conditions, and other specific conditions are hereinafter set forth in this Permit. Effective Date: day of , 19 Expiration Date: day of > 19 Issued by METROPOLITAN 4JASTE CONTROL COP4MISSION Chief Administrator or u y aut orized representative Page 1 of 6 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location CodeSE-00-00-EA A. Effluent Limitations Parameters MWCC oca imitations on Total Discharge (mg/1 or other specified units) Cadmium (Cd) 2.0 Chromium-total (Cr) 8.0 Copper (Cu) 6.0 Cyanide-total (CN) 4.0 Lead (Pb) 1.0 Mercury (Hg) 0.1 Nickel (Ni) 6.0 Zinc (Zn) 8.0 pH-max. (units) 10.0 pH-min. (units) 5.0 MWCC local limitations for metals are the maximum for any operating day. pH limitations are instantaneous values. i Page 2 of 6 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA B. Self Monitoring Schedule 1. Following are the specific sampling, sample compositing, and volume determination methods required by this Industrial Waste Discharge Permit. Representative samples shall be collected at each monitoring point by the Permittee in accordance with the guidelines listed in Appendix 6 of the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System. These samples shall be collected once each reporting period on normal operating - days. The sampling day wastewater volume for each monitoring point shall be determined as stated and shall be used to obtain a representative sample of the Permittee's total waste discharge by flow proportional compositing. a) i) Monitoring Point: Samples shall be collected from the manhole along side the buildina ii) Sample Co lection Method: minimum o one samp e s a e co - lected each hour of a norma operating ay. iii) Vo ume Determination: Effluent flow measurina or hourlv water y? iv) Samp e Compositing Met od: dmp es S d e composite ow pro- shall be 600 mg/1 for Chemical Oxygen Demand, 280 mg/1 for Suspended Solids, and 0 mg/1 for cyanide. Notification will be provided by the Commission if and when the 600 and 280 mg/1 values are revised. Page 3 of 6 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA 2. Parameters Chemical analysis for the previously specified sample representing the total waste discharge shall be performed for the following parameters: oH. Suspended Solids, Chemical Oxvqen Demand, Grease/Oil, and Cyanide. For EPA Categorical Pretreatment Industries, the parameters to be analyzed shall be in accordance with applicable EPA Regulations. 3. Reporting Frequency For the duration of this Permit the Industrial Waste Dischar9e Report shall be submitted semi-dnnUally to the Commission on or before January 15 and July 15. C. Compliance Schedule The Permittee shall comp'ete additional pretreatment and/or operation and maintenance to comply with EPA Pretreatment Standards and/or MWCC Local Limitations in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment A D. General Conditions 1. Industrial Waste discharges from a Permittee shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the Waste Discharge Rules and this Permit. 2. The Permittee shall not knowingly make any fa7se statement, representation or certification in any record, report, or plan required to be submitted to the Commission under the Waste Discharge Rules. 3. This Permit shall not release the Permittee from any liability, duty or penalty imposed by Minnesota or Federal statutes or regulations or local ordinances. ? Page 4 of 6 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA 4. The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize all accidental discharges including slugs, spills, and bypasses. Plans for the preven- tion and control of accidental discharges shall be suhmitted to the Com- mission for approval within a specified period of time when requested by the Chief Administrator. In the event of any accidentai discharges, spills, or bypasses whose quantity and nature might be reasonably judged to constitute a hazard to the Commission's personnel and treatment faci- - lities or the environment, the Permittee shall IMMEDIATELY notify the Industrial Waste Section of the Commission at 771-8845 (office hours) or 454- 8928 during non-office hours and report the Spill Location Code along with other pertinent information. 5. Any change in the volume or characteristics of Industriat !daste intro- duced into the Metropolitan Disposal System which the Permittee knows or has reason to believe will have either singly or by interaction with other wastes, a negative impact on the treatment process shall be im- mediately reported to the Industrial Waste Section of the Commission. The Permit shall then be subject to modification or reissuance in ac- 0 cordance with 6 MCAR g 6.012 D. 6. The Permittee shall pay applicable strength charges assessed by the Com- mission. 7. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain sampling and monitoring devices in proper working order at the Permittee's expense. 8. The Permittee shall allow the Chief Administrator to enter upon the Permittee's premises to inspect the monitoring point and to determine compliance with the Waste Discharge Rules for the P4etropolitan Disposal System and the Industrial Discharge Permit in accordance taith 6 MCAR § 6.012 H2. Page 5 of 6 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0408 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA E. Specific Permit Conditions 1. All discharges shall meet the Commission's limitations for pH as given on page 2. 2. Solids and grease/oil shall be routinely removed from the pretreatment system and sewer line (if necessary) to prevent plugging. 3. The results of all wastewater monitoring conducted, at the specified monitoring point s of this Permit, shall be submitted with the Indus- trial Waste Discharge Report for that reporting period. If additional monitoring has been conducted beyond the requirements of this Permit, the Permittee shall compute a flow-weighted average of all required reporting parameters except instantaneous pH measurements. Page 6 of 6 ni ErRaPoLiTAn pK, con??ol MAY 2 61982 commirnon rwn ciaes aea May 24, 1982 ? 1? 7 City of Eagan Thomas L. Hedges, City Mgr. 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Imdus±rial Dischar,c,e Parmit_for Coca Cola Bottling Midwest, Inc. located W2772 Eagandale B1.vd..,.St. Paul, MN 55121 De:.r EnclcsEd ic a cr,py of the Draft f'ermit ror Lhe fiacili!?y i+iciica"ce6 above tor tno discharge of Industrial tdaste hito Che ;"z;.rapolii.arr Disposat S,ysten. IT ,ou havP any oLjections tc th9 issuance of >cch a Fe'rmit, !.,iease r,otify t'he Coa,r^ission in wr'+iing w+ritin f?`CeEa days. If ro ob.je.ctiens are rrc?ived from ycu or th` ccr:?rar.r, the Perr,,;{ w;ll he issuad. Please direct ar.y correspondence to Van-Anh Thai at 22'L-8423> ext. 235. S i„cflre i y, 1 / • " V ?1?'i/"A??..l'?? . V ? Donz'd R. &adore D?puiy p1rt:ctor Cf Quality CUnLrii DitM: jl F,,,-rosa,•e 350I11ETRO/OURRE BLDG. 7TH6 ROBERT/TREETf lHIOT PRUL ff10 55101 612!242•8423 . . ecy0ed `6? . METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSIGN Permit No 0272 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA DRAFT INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISCHARGE PERMIT Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473 as amended and the Waste Oischarge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System 6 MCAR ? 6.010-6.019, permission is hereby granted toCoCa Cola Bottling Midwest, Tnce at 2772 Eagandale Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55121 for the discharge of fndustrial Waste into the Metropolitan Disposal System through the community of Ed4an to the Commission's SeneCa Wastewater Treatment Plant. This Permit is granted in accordance with the application filed on DeC. 31 , 19 81 , Pemit fees of $ 180.00 , and in conformity with plans, specifications, and data as contained in the application as approved, all of which are fiTed with and considered as part of this Permit. Effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, general Permit conditions, and other specific conditions are hereinafter set forth in this Permit. Effective Date: day of , 19 Expiration Date: day of , 19 Issued by METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROI COMMISSION Chie ministrator or du y aut orize representative Page 1 of 7 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location CodeSE-00-00-EA A. Effluent Limitations Parameters MWCC Loca imitations on Total Discharge (mg/1 or other s ecified units Cadmium (Cd) 2.0 Chromium-total (Cr) 8.0 Copper (Cu) 6.0 Cyan9de-total (CN) 4.0 Lead (Pb) 1.0 Mercury (Hg) 0.1 . Nickel (Ni) 6.0 Zinc (Zn) 8.0 pH-max. (units) 10.0 pH-min. (units) 5.0 MWCC locaT limitations for metals are the maximum for any operating day. pH limitations are instantaneous values. Page 2 of 7 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA B. Self Monitoring Schedule 1. Following are the specific sampling, sample compositing, and volume determination methods required by this Industrial Waste Discharge Permit. Representative samples shall be collected at each monitoring point by the Permittee in accordance with the guidelines listed in Appendix B of the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System. These samples §hall be coTlected once each reporting period on normal operating days. The sampling day wastewater volume for each monitoring point shall 6e determined as stated and shall be used to obtain a representative sample of the Permittee's total waste discharge by f7ow proportional compositing. a) i) Monitoring Point: Sfiall be at the manhale on the 8" sewer line, at the 2 sumps prior to the installation o an adeauate monitoring naint {nnccih?v a manholQ1 nn?.?p 12„ sew?ne ii) Sam??oTlect,Sn. e?i thod: Ifie m?mmum samp ing requency sfial?i?e iii) iv) e Page 3 of 7 METR6POL-ITRN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location CodeSE-00-00-EA 2. Parameters Chemical analysis for the previously specified sample representing the total waste discharge shall be performed for the following parameters: pJi, Suspended Solids and Chemical Oxyqen Demand For EPA Categorical Pretreatment Industries, the parameters to be analyzed shall be in accordance with applicable EPA Regutations. 3. Reporting Frequency For the duration of this Permit the Industrial Waste Discharge Report shall 6e su6mitted quarterly to the Cornissian on or before July 15, October 15, January 15, and April 15. C. Compliance Schedule The Permittee shall comp'ete additional pretreatment and/or operation and maintenance to comply with EPA Pretreatment Standards and/or MWCC Local Limitations in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment A D. General Conditions 1. Industrial Waste discharges from a Permittee shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the Waste Discharge Rules and this Permit. 2. The Permittee shall not knowingly make any false statement, representation or certificatSon in any record, report, or plar, required to be suhmitted to the Commission under the Waste Dischawge Rules. 3. This Permit shall not release the Permittee from any liability, duty or penalty imposed by Minnesota or FederaY statutes or regulations or local ordinances. ? Page 4 of 7 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA 4. 7he Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize all accidental discharges including slugs, spills, and bypasses. Plans for the preven- tion and control of accidental discharges shall be submitted to the Com- mission for approval within a specified period of time when requested by the Chief Administrator. In the event of any accidental discharges, spills, or bypasses whose quantity and nature might be reasonably judged to constituCe a hazard to the Cammission's personnel and treatment faci- lities or the environment, the Permittee shall IHMEDIATELY notify the Industrial Waste Section of the Commission at 771-8845 (office hours) ar 454- 8928 during non-office hours and report the Spill Location Code along with other pertinent information. 5. Any change in the volume or characteristics of Industrial Waste intro- duced into the Metropalitan Disposal System which the Permittee knows or has reason to believe will have either singly or by interaction with other wastes, a negative impact on the treatment process shall be im- mediately reported to the Industrial Waste Section of the Commission. The Permit shall then be subject to modificatian or reissuance in ac- cordance with 6 MCAR § 6.012 D. 6. The Permittee shall pay applicable strength charges assessed by the Com- mission. 7. The Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain samplinq and monitoring devices in proper working order at the Permittee's expense. 8. The Permittee shall allow the Chief Administrator to enter upon the Permittee's premises to inspect the monitoring point and to determine compliance with the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System and the Industrial Discharge Permit in accordance with 6 MCAR § 6.012 H2. Page 5 of 7 ' METROPOLITAN wASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA E. Specific Permit Conditions 1. The MWCC Waste Discharge Rules prohibit any discharge of unpolluted water into t e Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS) in accordance with 6 MCAR ? 6.013 M. The Permittee shall investigate a11 prudent and feasible possibilities for an alternate disposal of the uneon- taminated cooling water. 2. The Permittee shall install and maintain wastewater flow measureing and recording equipment to comply with Section 6.012 I(2) of the Waste Discharge Rules. 3. The Permittee shalt install an adequate monitoring point (possibty a manhole) an a 12" discharge 7ine. 4a The method af sampling and compasiting, and tMe method of volume de- termination, as set forth in this Permit, sha71 be used in monitaring the wastewater d9scharge of the future syrup Tine. 5. The results of all wastewater monitoring conducted at the specified monitoring points of this Permit shall be submitted with the.In- dustrial Waste Discharge Report for that period. If additianal moni- toring has been conducted 6eyond the requirements of this Permit, the Permittee shall compute a flow-weighted average of all required re- porting parameters except instantaneous pH measurements. Page 6 of 7 • METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION Permit No 0272 Spill Location Code 5E-00-00-EA 2. Install and operate new monitoring point. June 1, 1983 The Permittee shall submit a report to the Commission within fourteen days of each task completion date. This report shall specify whether or not the task was completed as scheduled. If the task was not completed, the Permittee shalt specify the reason for delay, the date the appropriate task will be completed, and steps being taken to return to the established schedule. Page 7 of 7 Attachment A Task Task Completion Date NPDES Permit Compliance Schedule 1. Investigate feasibility of discharging December 1, 1982 all uncontaminated cooTing water to storm sewer. Submit report to the Commission on investigation results. 2. If feasible, veroute uncontaminated 3une i, 1983 cooling water from sanitary to storm sewer. Installation of Fffluent Flow Measurin and Recordina Eauioment 1. Submit plans and specifications for December 1. 1482 continuous flow measuring and record- ing equipment. , 2. Install and operate flow measuring June 1, 1983 and recording equipment. Installation of Monitorinq Point for the 12" Discharge Line 1. Submit plans for installing new monitor- December 1, 1982 ing point.