2750 Eagandale Blvd - Met Council Wastewater Volume ReviewJJAA 14'idetsopolataa f:osnnc'sl
? Building communiries that iuork
June 30, 2002 Environmenta( Services
Midwest Coca Cola BotUing Inc
2750 F?a ndale Boulevard--'
Fagan, lv]N 55121
ATTN: Steve Underwood
Re: Wastewater Volume Review for Pemut Number 272 - Located at 2772 Eagandale Boulevard
As part of the MCES Service Availability Charge (SAC) policy, all industries holding an Industriai
Discharge Pemut are subject to a wastewater volume review one year prior to the expirarion of
their pernut. SAC is a"connection" fee which has been levied since 1973 for new connections or
increased volume discharged by existing users to the Metmpolitan Disposal System (1vIDS). SAC
revenue is userl to pay for the unused reserve capaciry portion of debt service for capital
The wastewater volume review serves as a method for detecting wastewater volume increases from
a facility. Current wastewater volumes are convertetl to a SAC equivalent and compared to a SAC
baseline value. Any incmases over the baseline value, or the value for SAC credits, whichever is
geater, haue the potential to be assessed SAC.
Tluee years agq a wastewater volume review for your facility took place. At that time, wastewater
volumes from your facility were noted to be below SAC baseline andlor SAC credit levels. A
current evaluation of wastewater flows from your facility indicates that discharge volumes remain
below the SAC baseline.
Please find enclosed a Wastewater Volume Review Worksheet specifying the results of the review.
Midwest Coca Cola Bouling Inc will not be required to purchase additional SAC at this time. If
you have questions, please call Michael V. Flaherry at 651-602-4715.
Leo H. Hermes, P.E.
Industcial Waste Manger
MCFS Industrial Waste Section
cc: Camlyn Krech, City of Fagan
Sandy Selby, MCFS
Michael V. Flaherty, MCFS
Idevo Info L1ne 602-1888
230 East Fifth S[ree[ • St. Paul, Minnesow 55101-1626 • (651) 602-1005 • Fax 602-1138 • TTY 291-0904
An Equal Oppor[usity Employel
Metropolitan Council
Environmental Services
Wastewater Volume Review
Industrial Discharge Permit Renewal
Compury Name Midwest Coca Cola Bottling Inc
Permit Number 272
Permit Farpiration Date 6/30/03
SAC equivalent of the Oct. - Dec., 2001
Self-Monitoring Report.
(Total wastewater volwne/total number of
opeiating days equals aveiage daily waste-
water volume. Each SAC unit equals 274 gallons)
Modified SAC Baseline Value
(MCES policy determined the SAC baseline
value to be the SAC equivalent of the volume
reported in the final self-monitoring report
for 1991. The modified SAC baseline value
represents the SAC baseline value, plus any
SAC units purchased after the 1991 baseline
date, or the value for SAC credits*, whichever
is greaker.)
Current wastewater volumes do not exceed the malified baseline value.
process will follow past procedures. This review is complete.
1367 Units
1926 Units
The pemut renewal
* MCFS SAC purchased records may not be current, therefore, the credit value may be revised to
account for unidentified credits, if the pernuttee can pmvide proof of their existence.
? 3P
it Metropolitan Council
June 30, 2005
Midwest Coca ColaBottling Inc
{ 2750:Eagandale-Blvd
Eagan, MN 55121
ATTN: Mark Hammerbeck
Enuironmental Services
Re: Wastewater Volume Review for Permit Number 272 - Located at 2772 Eagandale Boulevard, Eagan,
As part of the MCES Service Availability Chazge (SAC) policy, all industries holding an "Industrial
Dischazge Permit" are subject to a wastewater volume review one year prior to the expiration of their
permit. SAC is a"connection" fee which has been levied since 1973 for new connections or incceased
volume discharged by existing users to the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). SAC revenue is used to
pay for the unused reserve capacity portion of debt service for capital improvemems.
The wastewater volume review serves as a method for detecting wastewater volume increases from a
facility. Cuirent wastewater volumes aze converted to a SAC equivalent and compared to a SAC baseline
value. Any increases over the baseline value, or the value for SAC credits, whichever is greater, have the
potential to be assessed SAC.
Three years ago, a wastewater volume review for your facility took place. At that time, wastewater
volumes from your facility were noted to be below SAC baseline and/or SAC credit levels. A current
evaluation of wastewater flows from your facility indicates that dischazge volumes remain below the SAC
Please fmd enclosed a"Wastewater Volume Revievf' specifying the results of the review. Midwest Coca
Cola Bottling Inc will not be required to pay additional SAC at this time. If you haue questions, please
contact Michael Flaherty at (651) 602-4715 or via email at michaeLflaherty@metc.state.mn.us.
0* /7tC
I,eo H. Hermes, P.E.
Industrial Waste Manger
Industrial Waste & Pollution Prevention Section
Metropolitan Council Environmental Seroices
Cc: Cazolyn Krech, City ofEagan
Sandy Selby, MCES
Michael Flaherty, MCES
Metro Info Llne 602-1858
230 East Fifth Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 •(651) 602-1005 • Fax 602-1138 • TTY 291-0904
An EqualOpponurtiryEmpfoyer
Metropolitan Council
Environmental Services
Wastewater Volume Review
Industrial Discharge Perntit Renewal
Company Name Midwest Coca Cola Bouling Inc
Pemiit Number
Pernut Ecpiration Date June 30, 2006
SAC equivalent of the 7an. - Mar„ 2005
Self-Monitoring Report.
(Total wastewater volume/total number of
opeiating days equals aveiage daily waste-
water volume. Fach SAC unit equals 274 gallons)
Modified SAC Saseline Value
(MCES policy deternuned the SAC baseline
value to be the SAC equivalern of the volume
reported in the final self-monitoring report
for 1991. The modified SAC baseline value
repiesents the SAC baseline value, plus any
SAC units paid after the 1991 baseline
date, or the value for SAC credits*, whichever
is greaterJ
1494 Units
1926 Units
Currern wastewater volumes do not exceed the modified baseline value. The pemut renewal
pmcess will follow past pmcedures. This review is complete.
* MCES SAC payment records may not be current, therefore, the credit value may be reviseti to
account for uttideirtified credits, if the pemuttee can pmvide pmof of their eadstence.
? O
? Metropolitan Council
Working for the Region, Planning for the Future
Febmazy 18, 1997
Steve Underwood
Midwest Coca Cola Bottling, Inc.
2750 Fagandale Boulevard
Fagan, Mn 55121
Dear Steve Underwood:
Environmentai Services
This letter is a follow-up to the letter sent on July 9, 1996 regarding a preliminary volume review
for the Service Availability Charge (SAC) system for Pemut Number 272 locatetl at 2772
Fagandale Boulevazd. In that letter, you were notifietl that your firm has increased its wastewater
dischatge to the sanitary sewer and poten6ally could be subject to a SAC purchase of $29,700 (33
units at the 1996 rate of $900 per SAC unit) at the time your Industrial Discharge Pemut is
At this point, you have two options. First you may pur+chase SAC equivalent to the increase in
discharge to the sanitary sewer based on the preliminary volume review. If you choose this option,
a SAC Purchase Form will be enclosed with your renewed Indushial Discharge Pemut. The form
must be bmught to the City of Fagan and be completed by a ciry representarive indicating that SAC
has been purcLased. A permit condition in your renewed pemrit allows 30 days for the 5AC
Your second option is to conduct a 30 day wastewater volume shuly. If you choose this option,
please infomi the engineer referenced below. The study must be completed and results submitted
to the Metropolitan Council Faivironmental Services (MCFS) by April 30, 1997. Guidelines for
completing the wastewater volume sludy are attached. Based on the msults of the study, the MCFS
will detemiine a current SAC equivalent of your wastewater flow. The SAC iate applied to the
current SAC equivalent will be the rate in effact at the start of the 30 day wastewater volume study.
The 1997 SAC iate is $950 per unit. The SAC rate is subject to change every 7anuary. To
deternune your fum's SAC liability, the MCES wffi use the lesser SAC equivalent of the
preliminary volume review and the 30 day wastewater volume study. If a SAC purchase is
required, a SAC Purchase Form will be enclosed with your renewed Indushial Discharge Pernut,
and the above described method for completing the form and purchasing SAC will be applied.
It should be noted that some cities use SAC determinations to assess municipal impact or
connection fees which are exclusive of the SAC charge. If you are unsure as to whether or not
these fees are applicable in your city, you should call the city offices to inquire. At this time, no
money should be sent to our offices. SAC payment shall be made to the ciry at the time of pernut
renewal using the SAC Purr-hase Form. -
230 East FiRh Street SL Paul, Minnesota 55101-1 633 I612) 222-8423 Fax 229-2183 TDD/TTY 229-3760
-,. .
Steve Undernood
February 18, 1997
page 2
Please din,ct any questions to Mictiael Flaherty at 772-7015.
, 4:f" i?-
Leo H. Hermes, P.E.
Industiia] Waste Manager
MCES Indushial Waste Settion
cc: Dale Schoeppner, City of Eagan
S. Selby, MCES
Michael Flaher[y, MCES
Metropolitan Council
Environmental Services
Guideline for SAC Volume Study
- Contact the engineer in charge of your pernut before commencing with the wastewater
volume study option. Special conditions, other than those specified in this guideline, may apply to
your facility.
- The wastewater volume study shall consist of a minimum of 30 continuous days of volume
data acquired from the use of incoming water meter(s) and/or from a wastewater eftluent flow
measuring device.
- Deduct meters shall also be used when losses to lawn sprinkling, evaporation, product loss,
etc., exist at the facility. If these losses cannot be accounted for by meter, the pemuttee shal]
submit to the MCES engineering calculations estimating these losses and/or conduct e8luent flow
measuring from an MCES approved monitoring site.
- All values used to deternrine the actual or calculated daily wastewater flow volumes shall be
submitted for each day of the study. Also, indicate the daily activity taking place at the facility
during the study (e.g. full operation, cooling watzr clean up).
- Please account for any unusual events, such as a spill, that may have occurred during the
volume study time frame.
The results of this study shall be submitted to the MCES by April 30, 1997. MCES staff will
calculate a SAC equivalent based on an average of the 5 highest daily wastewater flows. The
MCES reserves the right to conduct additional volume monitoring if deemed necessary.