3884 Danbury Tr - Site Survey??Qm?d(](Q$ 6875 Hiyhwny fi5 N E. P.O. l3oz 32308 Minneopolls, MN 55432 (612) 571 6066 SUHURBRN gNGllVEERAPIrG. INC. 12203 Nicallel Avc sa D.,nsolne. Mn 55337 (672) 890 6510 cl„n. M-111-1i111i a •U.na,?.oev??y w Land Pianning . Soil i anng Certificate of Survey !or /YlarV/n, Georae- Ul'QerS Deurings Shown Are Assumed • o Denotes Iron Monument 0 Denotes Pounda[ion Corner Offset Stake. PROPOSED EI.EVAT?ONS x Deno[es Existing Elevation Ox Denotes Proposed Eleva[ion , Top of Sloc?C R 9l,O Denotes D"zrec[ion of Surfece Drainuge Lowest Fiaor ?Z s --------- Deno[es Drainoge and UtiliGy Easement Carnge Floor / x . ` \3??• $" f1 v` ? /1 0 Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet sn 880,? =QryQ??O ?Abm O c / ? (/ ?? "+m ? 3?? ry, \ W o0 \ ? o i W O ? ,. ? ? ,. ausemo \ • ?Sd Y \ // \ BBz,s ry / ?L \ OUtiOt. A. LE?CINGTOIV SQUARE 3rd ADD1 TION Subject to easements of record Dakota County, Minnesofa I hereby cer[ify [hat this survey, Flan or repox[ was prepared by me or under my direct supervisioA and Cha[ I um a duly licensed Land Sueveyoz under [he lnws of the State of Minneso[a. ?7 r/{ Signed thisGU ?y af ? A.D., 19? - [ampardcs n SUII[IHDAN ENGlNEERfNG, !NG Noc pa611ahed: All rl8hts,reserveL CnpYrl6ht 1987 SE Compnnies, Suburban Engineecing, Inc. Minn. License No. Sa?z94 ?665?