2110 Cliff Rd - Electrical PermitsThiS repuest void 18 month5 from . (C 40154 -D 4 --- Rpquest Date Fre No. RouPh-in InsDectmn FeQUrteA? tly Now Q Will Noufy Insoec- - f- Dyeg Q,p,M lor When Reptly L4?Tcensed Eleclncal Convactor I herebV request inspeclwn of abova ? Ow^et electncal work vistalled aL . Slreet Address, Boz or Noute No. Cn' ? ecUOn o. Township Name or ange No. Counnty Occupant IPflINTI Phone No, Power Soppher Address Elactncal Con[ractor ompany Name) Cnn t rarmr's License No. 't f` ? j iline /1dJress ( ontractor or Owner Makmg Iqetailanonl ?3 Author¢ed Sienatur onhactor/Ow a nstall mn) Phone NumCer y3f,,,?1(? MINNESOTq STpTE BWpD OF ELECT?TY Gnggs.Midwey Bldg. - Noom N•191 1821 Umvers?tY Ava., St. Peul. MN 56104 Phone 18121 297-2111 THIS INSPECTION AEQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED eY THE S7qTE BOARO UNlESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION B-COOWL04 5 U? - 0 Se, instractions for campleLnp this form on back of yollow copv. tL'.J y0 ? Fl. 40154 "R" Below Work Covered by Thts Request ? Ner? Add Re0• TYOe of Bwlding APOliancea Wirad Equiument WireO Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhhny Fixtures Apt. Bwlding Dryei Hectnc Heatin Commereial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unloader Industnal 81dg. Air Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm tner oe,, y oinrr (snn,,ry) t ., sueufv thee Oin" I.OmAUle 1nSpeC(/on hee NelOW p Fee ServiceEnbeneeSize b Fee faxders/5uhteeders N Fers Cvcmts u ta 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 0 tn 30 Am Above 20 _qmpy 37 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Alp, Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am s AAove 100_Am s Transmrmers Irr{gaUOn t3oonis ? Partial•"Other Fee Signs T emarks 7/ n,p fL??y? 5?J OTAL E D ? RouB h-nn Final n?l / I_ The E Inspece?eby carbly hat the bove inapection has been maea. Thh repueet voiA 70 months fm?// " ?% f/ I'// 7/C /„ OFFICE I1SE ONLY This request void 18 monlhs Fm wltdoNon dotc priniad in Ihi: ??C ` / S? /?' 7/J ln-5- I II I1 IIII 1I II III III I IIIIIII JWt? -=i/ ' ' _l ? aV 1k 0 4 1 L? O 7 8* pLEASE PRINT OR TYPE p/O Request Dare Roug6in inspeceon reqmred? es ? N. Inspection Oihar Than RoogMn ? Ready Nwv dl Cdl IYou must coll the inspecmr when ready) Dare Reody I, gicensed conhactor ? owner hereby request inspeclion of ihe above electrical work at ddress/(Snec Bw?/, o /r RaurorNo.) Job L W ? c? zP Secbon No Township Name or N. Range No. Fre No Cauny Oca n c?E 12^D, o S-rA-itf, nJ Phone N. Power Supplier Address Ebcmwl Contraclw (Canpany Name? C[?T?+CAL RoO?Gilewl SE Contmcior Lcens fi hbsier Lc No (Planr Elect Onlyl Mniling Address IConhacror or Owner Parforming Insblloeon) oS W t=?t ??'k?AS/G4 ? N, S'Si? Amhonzed S owre nrcocror o. O..ne? P ing Inam ri n P?n& EBOOOOIA11 6 ST p- SEE INSTRlICT10NS ON BACK OF VELLOW COPY 411°007 ? !/A 7/C/. ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION G 7 Minnesota State Board of Electriary 1821 University Ave., Rm. 5-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 - Phone (612) 642-0800 • P/ / V l Bld A i Ofher New Addn ome ex Dup g. p . d i R Commerciol Industrial Farm Remo r e a Air Cond Hfg. Equip. Water Hir. Load Mgmt. Olher. pryet Range Elec. Heat Temp. Senice ace and on the back oF the while copy only. ks in fhis s f p nler remar "X" above the work covered by this requesf. L- ?Q ?A??o STATtOn/ ?Mo? F? c U C.c Ano UAO RA . Calculafe fnspeclion Fee - 7his Inspechon Requesf will not be atcepted wifhouf fhe correcf fee: Other Fee ervice Entrance Size Fee N Circuits/Feeders ? Mobile Home Park Stall T 0 Amps 10 20 0 ro l00 Am Ps ' Sheet Ltg./TmHic Sig ove 200_Am s Above 100-Amps b Tmnsformer/Genemtor INSPECTOH'S USE ONLV TOTAI ?O ? Sign/Outline Ug. Xfmr. Alarm/Remote Conhol $wimming Pool i he?ab ?ihm i ??s ?=oi m.ianman run on tha doho > e / / oob? IrrigaY go?e?? L Spee on T. oal Uaie Investigalrve Fee ...? e.... o? noncocn nicr.nruNec7ED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. ?-? nu ?no.....?.. ? ?..?. ...... ..? ? Thre revuest void y?a55 78 rtqnUs fmm A 073266 ?- t- U kA r 1 ls*-A e v -3 E) ? i'6 q cv o0 .Nequest Date Fre No. Re uvetll nspecUOn q , ^ W?II Noufy, InsPec- 8/1/ 94 ?ves ?NO ? ? ??? l 4k [ur When Peatly X&Xicensed Electncal ConVactor 1 hareby request inspec4on o1 ebove ? Owner electncal work installeE et Street Atldress. Box or Raute No. C iN 2110 Cliff Road Eagan ecbon o. Township Name or No. FanBe No. County DAKOTA Ocr.upam IPRINTI Phnne No. WAYL Fower Supolier Address N.S.P. 3000 Maxwell Av. Newport, MN Elecvmal Contractor ICompany Namel Contraclor's License No. SOUTH SIDE ELECTRIC 40359 7 Mailing AdJress (Contractor or Owner Making Installationl 4219 Bloomi n ton Av. S. 55407 Authoraed gqamre ICon[recmr Owner akmB INstell N Phone Number 722-6695 MINNESOTA STATE BOANO dF ELECTRICITV Grip9s•Midwey Bldg. - floom N-197 1821 Univarsity Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Phona I612) 297-2111 IS I SPECTION REQUEST WILLNOT CEPTED BY THE STATE BOAflD UNLESS PNOPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED, REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?. EB-OWOl-O-0 i ? ?? i???ee instructions lorcompleting thi fwm o n back oi vellow covv. w. y, /} ?/. ?$ U "'X" " SeJow Wnrk Covered_? his Request ?? ?? AAd -ReO. Type ot BuJding Applmnces Wiretl Eqwpment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightuig Fixtures Apt. 8widmg Dryer Electnc HeaLn Commercial Bldy. Furnace Silu Unloader i Industrial Bldg. Air Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Other peci y ther(5necity) t er SuocifY Ot er Oihe, p Fee ServicaEnhence5ixe l) to 200 Am k Fee Feedars/Subleeders 0 to 30 qm s N Cvcuits t? 30 Am Above 200 Am)s 31 to 10D Amps 1 to 100 Am s q wimmin P Above 100_Am s Above 100_Am s rmer Irngatwn Booms Partial-'Othor Fee Signs Speciallnspection • Nemerks 10 +nn ? tnn nf ?1_ ?Fr?n a/r ?c 12 -?q'l __ ____. .. _ . __-. _ • v _ NouBh-in Date I, t acvical ? InsOectoq bereby certify thet the above Final ?"?e pUCti00 has 09G0 ? 75 ?/Y? AB. )15 Thle reauent voiA 18 monlha Irom This reque.st vmd (3 ???.1 ??? ? VW V m) '51132 ? Fequest Date Fire No. q u -in Insnection ^ R' Readv Now Q Wiil Notifv In ?ec- /? G?!'? r 30 /5 ?,S , ?Vesry?? V ior When Reatl ?L?cense.d Electncai CanGactor ? Owner . ? I hereby request inspecbon of abo ?? /? ? V// electricel work installed at' Street Address, Boz or Route Nu. 2110 / l Ciry , oa c ? ecUOn o. Township ,ime or No. RanA0 N0. CountY llc 0 -74?e Occapam (PqINT) . ^ d K hone No. ? L a ? o 0 c Power Supoh r Atldress BecvIcal Cont[acmr IComp;a y N:imel C Cunhactor's License No. O MailinB Address 1 Vacmr ar Owne Makina Instaila[mn / i ? / -fY ,J?, j ve /[/ ?1 ! f, - / HZOV/h /v[ " J ot d Si?nawr Contr er Mn y Installavo " Phnne Number S y - -N STATE BbAAD-0FEEF[,T?piF?? Bldg. - Noom N ., St. Paul, MN 55106 THIS INSPECTION FEQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAFD UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR EIECTRICAL INSPECTION ,r Ee-ooooi.oa , Sae instruclions for completin9 thas form on back of vellow copy .., F 051132 51t115 ?"X" Below Work Covered by Tius Request # Fee SeroiceEnVenceS¢e u Fee Fexders/SUbfxeders # Fee CircuHs 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am )s Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 q,nps 31 to 100 Am s Swimming Pool ? .00 G.bove 100#''?.DAmps Above 100_Amps 7ransiormers Irrigation Booms Partial -'Other Fee Signs Special InspeCtipn ?U Renv?rks ? ? ? ? ? TOTAL F E Nooph-m D ,? ?,? t?(u I, tha ElacVroal S? Inspectoq heroby f I Fnal r DA??? , l. cerh y thnt the above inspecnon has been made. TAisrepue5tvoidl8montRStrom (Jv? ? • -- r - ?- 8 monrhs fwm anngn Req[iast',:?ta Fne Na. Hou?h-in Im:pe" bon ? '12-14-81 Ne,e::?m []e?:Inv now R d,n N?i,rv ?N,, <<,?wi, n?, .,... z-. _ _ _ _.._.... 1 herehy reyuest inspecnon nf nbove xlwrt.???? ,.. S??eet Atltlress, tlox or Rnute No. Gty 2110 Cliff do R Ea an ecbon o. Tnwn?niP Namo or N u. Ra191 Nu Count V Dakota Oc<.uuant IPFINT? Phnno Na. WAYL Radio 452-6200 Powe? SnnPlrer Atltlre ?s Elec?ncnl Con?ractor (COmpnny N,une? ' Cunlrai.tor s Licen?.e No, M:nlinq qdJrass (Cnntraclor or Ownar Maki g Ins[all?tinn) AuthnnveA Siqnatu , [r n aking nst i Phone Numhi?r ------?r ttccinu:liv Griggs-Midway 91dg. - quom N491 I"is irvsrEClIDN NEQUEST WILL NOT 9E ACCEPTED 9Y THE STqTE 80AqD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55109 UNLESS PflOVEF INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297_2117 ENCLOSEO. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? 6402a Sne instrmtiuns br coinpi¢4n9 tnix form rn bac k nl ? Be!^w CVork Covered by This Request N, Ada Pep Type nf BuilAiny ApVlmncxs Wved ? Home R.inqe Tem, .- ? Du?ilex Water Heater Lightii. . Apt. Bwlding Oryer Electnc Cammcroiai Bldc?. Rirn;?ce Silo Unluader Industnal Bidfl. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Olner Speufyl 1 n, , (SUN..iry) thrr ISUOCiIy Othnr plhpr •?t.?? oYc i ree or,?uw U Fea ServiceEnfrnnceSizx 1 Fee FeaACrs/Subfaxders N Fr¢ Crtcmts ? Yo 100 qin 5 ? to 30 Am?s ,??? 0 to 30 Amns 1(71 to 2rj0 qi 5 31 to 7 UO qmps 31 to 10) Am s TJ.LC> Ahove " nps Above 100_Amps Above 100_Amps Trak mei RemoteControl Qra a . Sv Paihal'Otl ? Spec.m I Inspectl< Ruu ate ? . the Elecvical ? " InsPector. bprrtbY Final ?? ???? ^?.11r /-? c certdv tha? the rbuve iiisuectioii has beeii ?/ O made . ??3 momhti hom ? i/is197 411°013 19 REUUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesoha State Board of Electnary 7827 University Ave., Rm. 5-728, St Paul, MN 55704 Phone (612) 642-0800 Home Duplex Apt. Bldg. Other: New Addn Commercial Indusiriol Farm Remod Re ir Air Cond. Hig. Equip Woter Hfr. Lood Mgmt Ofher . Dryer Range Elec. Heat Temp. Senice °X" obove ihe work covered by fhis request Enter remarks m fhis spoce and on the bock of the while copy only. 65?c4Siw% r om Calculole Inspechon Fee - This Inspecfian Request wilf noi be accepled without rhe correcl fee: Other Mobile Hame Po k $f ll Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circui(s/Feeders Fee r o 0 fo 200 Amps to 100 Am s P $freet Lfg./Traffic Si 9 Above 200 Amps 100_Amps Transformer/Generalor INS PECTOR'S USE ONLY TO Sign/Outline Ltg Xfmr. TAL Alarm/R C emole ontrol Swimming Pool Irrigafion Boom I hereb ceni fiar I ins n rac,o in on Poe dates s led Ro? ha? Speciol Inspection g Do1a i i Investigolive Fee F,n°I pate p T HIS INSTALLATION M AY BE O RDERen rncc uuFrron i- .?..r b --• --.. 11.. - rorvrr?c ICu vvi I 1111V 19 MpN7'HS. 1 ?Xl s Y 7 OFFlCE USE ONLY This reqoesf void 18 monlhs 6om vaiidaoan dare ptlMed in fhis 6ox. a . J is IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?llllllll?lllllllllilllllllllk?3-?3, ?-?? `? "?' s? * 0 4 1L 0 1 36 * $( pLEASE PRINT OR TYPE g Requesr pote /-/ 3-? 7 Rough-in inapaclion requvedB es ? N. I ll h lY Inspecrion Olher Than RougMn ? Rmdy Now WAI Coll a mus? m ? e inspeclor when ready? Oore Ready I'Alcensed contractor 0 owner hereby request inspection of the above elechicol work at: 1ob Address (Srcee?, Box, or Roure No ? Gy Zip Code 2 O LNF? 7) , EACaAn] Sechon No Township Nome or No Range N. Fire No Couny I T? Occu nt v E ?AD?o S o Phone N. Power Sopplier Address Eleclnml Commebr (Campany Name) Confracmr License N. Ec-,.?raIc.a? ea?'?.?1 SMrc 0?4ooboo Mostar Lia No (%onr Elxt Only] MoilingAdOress IConnacror or Ov,aer Pe ming Inswllmto.) ? ? ? ?J??fv-! ?• ?? V AAanzed re ?Canhotlor or Owner rmuy Instalhrion Phon N o - ?aS 3r 2l V?????""? STATE'%ABd'E6* - SEEIRSTRUCTONSONBACKOFYELLOWCOPV 18 munths from d ` ` ! "'x___ ?ft9 0,91131 j- ( ?3 ' ? • Rp?uesr te ? Ftre No. Fauph-in InspecLOn Rnqmred? ?Yes ?NO ?Heatly Now '?II NouW Insoec- tnr When ReadY 12f.11. icensetl Ele ncal Contmctor I hereby request mspection ot above ? Ov.ner eleetncal work installed a< w A Street A drg ss, eox or Poute No ??1? CIr pr C'ty H er.von o. Townshio Name or Nn. Range No. County Occopem (PRINT) ,q L hmie No. Power Sup0lier _ ? 5 Atldress Nec[ncal ConVacmr (Company Name) . f ' Contrecmr's Lwense No. IMCr ? r ? o O MaiM1ng AdJress (Con ctor or wner Mabng stalla[ionl yi A/# P/ r?au Authnnzed $iBrAture IConvactor/Owner Ma ing Ins[all Lonl Phone Number - ` 3 THIS INSPECTION HEQl1EST WILL NOT ? MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF E FIC 6E ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Noom N-1 1 UNLESS PHOPEF INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 Univarsity Ave., St Paul, MN 55104 'Phone 1612) 29]-2'111 ENCLOSED. q') REQUEST FDR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION es-onooi-oa u_ ' See instruct.ons tor complevng tNS form on back of yellow copy. ? ?y F/"',1?I 11''4'?1 ?1a5`1? _o?iS..l. R_V 11 A.. TL..- Q..nii-f ? vo ?vv r ?v...............? .... mltlin9 _ ._?.._. APplidnC95 Wif¢d E?uipment WireA Ranye Tempoiaiy Service Water Heaier Liyhtu?y Fixtures mg Dryer Electn? Heatin l Bldg. W Fum2ce Silo Llnloa?cr Bldg. !?rt Conditioner nl< k Mi l k Te B ul O?n<?? Sneufv ne oT r (5 ?? , rv 1 n Farin (.IIY fy Ot11C! 01h.r l.Ul 9 llpl/IC 1? Fee NG'ii r Gc ua.ivv. SarviceEntranceSize d Fee FaAders/Subfeeders a Fee - Cimurts C) to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s a to 30 Am s A6ove Z00 qmps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swimming Pool Above 100-AmPS Above 100-Ainps " Transiormers Irngation 8ooms j Otha Fee Partial- S?gns Special hispection g 70Tq F E Pemarks i?? RovBh-in he EV¢cv cal/ Ctor i.,by In - . 50B certit .ffiat the above Fnal ( ' D 1e specLOn has been maaa. Tnls rapuesl voia 18 months trom ? ?