3025 Eagandale Pl - Electrical InspectionsREQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION (DEB-OMOI-04 13 111W p, Soe irstruclims Tor a?letin this form on be ' a'-"- copy. 4 4 7 0 5 X'" ee/o t Work Covered Ay. This Request C/LI SU Add Rep. Trm of Bui Wine Appliances Wired Equiprienl Wired Water Farm e Foe Service EnlranceS¢e % Fee % Fee Circuits 0 to 200 A-PS 0 to 30 Am Above 200-Am ps M 31 to 100 Amps Swimming Pool V OO_ Above 100_Am ' Trattstomlers Partial: Other Fee Remarks Sig ; Special Inspection tRJH.SO TOT E1h_ lXOw1r,,,Wem*wrli vlwi?ub ( Rough-in Dale " Cy I 1, N Electr I ?. T Inspec ereby certify that the above Final t - Da / rr J inspection hes been !- -do. iFS regoanl raid 18 malrllwharp - This rape' rd 5116E/??a 1-t- Lk ? s-I-- L I ? l £S . U U Request Dow Fire No. Bough-i Ins ction fired? ?Reatly NowWill Notify Insper yns ?NO . or When Ready Licensed Electrical Contractor 1 hereby request inspection of above ?Owrw electrical work installed at: Street Address. Boa OF Route No. City 30A5 ?tib/f1UCf?Z ?a o)v Lon Township Name or Me. Range No. ty C V WTI+ Occupant (PRINT) Rhone No. 893v Powm Sappher Address y3?i ?av 9r % Electriol Contractor (Camempo w Name) tractor's License No. Con /L S?ieU/GG wlst/U 5 Mailirp Address (CentraCtor OF Owner Making hstailation) G (X OG S 7?? ' Phon¢ Number A ized Sig ure tractor r Making 1 ta11aY ) I MINNESO1A STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS.INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg_ - Room N-191 BE ACCEPTED By THE STATE BOARD 1821 Unhreraity Ave_. St. Pagl. MN 551 04 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phom M121297-2111 ENCLOSED.