2127 Cliffview Dr - Site Survey-- --_ -- ------ - -- _... ,,._,,. . . , , , . ' • ?; ' f?,' LYIN H. HEDLUND . 960e ci,erd.??.n ve'soutn BloominqtontilMnnasota F543- . n^d Survpyor dvll Enqlneor PAone +B9- 8-2080 11?eAr survelor`s G'ert?ficate • JOB NO.,* ? • i?,?, •. ..: . ":URVEY FOR: Zachman Homea OESCRIBEO AS: Lot 9, Block 1, CSDAR CLIFF SECOND ADDITION, City of Eag+tn, Dakota County, Minneaota, and reserving easementa of rPCOrd. 887.5 l _ :.1 j' ? I pra'r"agG r-- --- - --? I ? I I o°? I ? I NI ? ? ? ? /0 9. ? ? ,e ? AiR y I 886.1 - - i i J ? I? zt O I?? ?op o-f block 9p2.7 ,Usrr?. ,Floor 8`1 R.5 Gttrayc -Floor 902.?-' Orarna9e QrrOWS - Prapo6ecC e1eV. C:?> Exis-f,'r, elev. _ L7enofel lot iron o ? ' W lc.v.,4- p2 3 ? > m L 23.01 / ?849.9 „jGVR9 CLIviFw DRIvE ? 849-$ F-- I CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY i :L hereby certify that on I surveyed the property described obove ond tAot 1he above plof is o correct represenfation of said survey. ? I??.- ? .?'.?.?. j Calvin H. Hedlund, Minn. Req. No. 5942 C?'.LVIN H. HEDLUND .. 9609 o?,erd.A?en ;?e'soutn I i , Blaeminptonh6Mnos,soia 55431 LanA Surveyor ' Gvli Enginler Phonm: B8B'-2080 •'?'e. ?urver?or?s G'ert?f?cade ..- ' J08 N@,, ,,.,. uURVEY FOR: Zachman Home9 (aESCRiBED A5: Lot 9, Block 1, C£IaAR CLlFF SECOND ADDITION, City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minneaota, and reaerviag easementa of record. ; i , ? i ? i 897.5 ; ; ? 5Q? U+ ?.?? ? pra ?nagG ?ase^'?" t - ?`-- --- - --? I. ? I I ? IN I I ? IQoL? W/o 93 ? G R? 41_.?NN ( ?•w -GI? Top o-F bJock 902.7 ,(35rr74. -41?loor 89 9. 5 Gttra fe -Ploor 902 . ? Oratna9e. arrows Proposed elev. O Exis-finq - eleV. Denofel !oi- 'rrorr o r •,31 i I I w 7. ca^} 0 '2- ' > 0 ? L _a m M , -- --- - - 9003 ? SZ. !n 23.0?/ ?gqy.9 _?CU R 9 CLEW DRIVE ? sqa.g 1- ?. ..??.._ _ ?,?.. , CERTIFIGATE ? OF SURVEY I hereby certify ihot on II-2 -$I I surveyed the property described above and ihoT the obove plat is o correct representotion ot said survey. zG??tJ`+?- , I?. . ??Lcscb1- Calvin H. Hedlund, Minn.'Reqr No. 5942 7 886. I - ? ? .. I' ? F?