525 Eastwood Ct - Site SurveydUN?94 10:24 CARLSON AND CARLSON 612 881 0135 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ? Nlla, ? LAND SURVEYORS +es -007 I X' AI f.° Ih a? .Pi ?n N r / +1 TO: 612 681 4612 P02 Lot 6, Block 2, HAWTHORNE I WOODS 3RD ADDITION /?9 Q W8/ O use ? oy? I Bs # 317- 3 s?? - N 17.0 -'"V;e &4* M, Pus. l77,7 ouPONT'AYCNY2 10UTN 91.06MINOTON, MINN. 56420 9154"A Survey for: DAHIE BROS. INC. DESCRIPTION: - v, aT° N .=' In l ? I w} l /)(1 fma(er fic'0'? ('C' ?s \ eye pp?p 0 IL 9v v ?n e?e,= c; ?LG. ltzc I wn . 8 s_ e'a.n..L 8?1 . /Proposed Grades: Top of Blocks &/= Garage floor &o! Basement floor Sr!T s NOTE: Circled elevations are proposed, others are existing. E Al G A lV Arrows denote direction of drainage. REViEWE0 Bench Mark, top hydrant at end of Eastwood Court, E1=861.12 feet. BY .. We hereby certify that this is e true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land abo thereon and all visible encroachme Dated this 31st day of Allvae.ulr 6ltl9? 9015 R9 % 38 EAGM ENGINVLER.Il?G DEPT. ve described and of the location of -all buildings, If any, nt3, if,any, f or on said land. by ?; . nne a cen.e o. 612 881 0115 06-02-94 12:23PM P002 1132 JUN 02 '94.10:24 CARL.SON AND CARLSON 612 881 0135 TO: 612 681 4612 P02 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY N No LAND SURVEYORS +.ss Survey for: 4 1yo''MN QyZ C?$?z_ C. I .... qeo •_ r W F? L? I? I 01 h 0 Q ? I1 tI rv I I i? DAHIE BROS., INC. s DESCRIPTION: "mss I -49"q R. lie4A*M, PWA, ,ms cuPONT'AVENUx SOUTH BLODMINOTON, MINN. 59420 909-x004 Lot 5, Block 2, HAWTHORNE WOODS 3RD ADDITION cam--- \ ewe ?? 8 iNU ' 04(0 BAY6 I '?r? ?-?5Tu1dG F tr MIL 'j 05b!E? p91/ a'"ro I01Z C, IYDn ?- 1,L p G°?Mn ?? Propnsed Grades; Top of Blocks &/= Garage floor *4o! Basement floor geX NOTE: Circled elevations are proposed, othpr5 are existing. E A G A N Arrows denote direction of drainage. R E E ')N E D Bench Mark, top hydrant at end of Eastwood Court, E1=861.12 feet. 06 Iron g/?I EAAGAN ENGlATL` PJXG DES We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the land above described and of the location of all buildings, If any, thereon and all visible encroachments, if,any, fry or on said land. Dated this 31st day of Mav ,19 94. , / ) ?y ---,I 6ltlyyl by I 1 N f 00 V t 612 881 0135 06-02-94 12:23PM P002 032