3255 Coachman Rd - Electrical Permits/0/10/ REQUES7 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? SaE instmqions lor complehng IhiS torm on bac4 Of yellOw copy _ _'X° Below Work Covered by This Re in•,.J?> EB-00001.08 /037^?p ' 11??rGCTIONFEOUESTWILLNOT 6E ACCEPTEO BV THE STATE BOARO UNLESS PqOPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSEp REQUEST FOR ELECTRICqL INSPECY?pN - `P / See instructians for completing ihis for.eq on back Df EB-00001-09 YBllow Capy, ? HAtl ?"X"' 8elow 'v'uor;; !'pvpy?d by This Request ? ? Rea. TYOe ol Builtlin9 Hame APpliancas wi.au Range E9myment W(?ed DLIJPlox Water Heater Temporar_ y S_ er_vic Apt. Bwldmg n,,,o, Lighhnp Fixturec iera Tnai E^t?enceSize 7 Fea This redoes[ yoitl c/ - '$rbntns,,om Raj PoDate `. Fire /r?7?y Q Licenseb'Elec[nr,al Contrne[or ? Owner S1reet Add,B55, BO% O! ROVte Nn ce e ? o30Am?s D? 'e Ot>30 to 100 q?nps --? IN-1 '193e w. _ 31 tn 1 i r ?f 1I - 1 VTAL FEE Date ecioq heieby [action a Electrica1 ? A+ D te ?V that the above ?-l_. ? has b?. 77 ?0 v? ,?-- ?1is185 - QAhea InSpec ¢J ? Q ]Yes ?? ?+Nn ?Rently NowXW,l NoLfy Inspec- R ? hereb e?achi?erequastinspaction of above tor When ¢atlY work instaped et e pr r 0. Eiechical Contract-om ?f1fflRCavr x^t Atldress tCon(ractor or ? v? ._ _ v 152- ----?? _ ??cense No. ? ql 7?s'< .' 7 Ai1NICESOTp STpTE 90ARD pF? EUE`yITy Griggg_Midway g 1821 ?dg, - poom N-191 ?^??e?srtv Ava., St Paul, MN Sb7pq Phone (812)297?711 ?so?-76z-s?b THIS INSPECTION pEQUEST WILL NOT E ? UNL SS qp Efl INSPECTION FOE RD ENCLOSED. tnis,... :s,ooia G-`18 manths from )51(66 ti'10 8 4 2 21 j U A -,o- l C? r, U nequest u21e Fire No. p?ugh-in Insuer.tion 9in 7??? flepu red? Heady Now?Will NoLfy InsDec- /1C ?Yev ?'y [ur Wh n R dy ' Licesed Elecv cal Convactor ? Owrter I herob re y quest mspection of above electncal work mslel led aY Sveet Address, Box or oute No. C?ty ? ? g cdon m Townshi0 Neine or No. R;?n9e NO. Cnu ?Or ? Orcup,int fPFINTI Phone S O. 2 z 6]. Power Suppiier Address i Electncal Comracmr ICOmOany Namel Contracmr's License No. ? u ;G E 7 5 ° 7 eiM1ng Address (COMracmr or Owner Makmd Insta llationl 2-- o -11? V cLE 56oQ,G Auth edA S?-A?a?tvre IConVaclor wner akI ia IaLOnI Phonu Number MIfi STqTE 60AHD OF ELECTpICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griees•Midwey Bldg. - floom N-181 BE ACCEPTED 9Y THE STqTE eOAHD 7821 Univers?ty Ave., St. Paul, MN 661,04 UNLESS PROPEX INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297-2171 . , ENCLOSEO. , l( p6EQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi-oa ' See ins11uctions for completing this torm on beck of yeliow copy. G7 (nJ(('?}6(?? qr Be?w WOr??vered by This Reouest AAd RBp. TypO o1 6mltl?na AppliBnCes WueO Equipmenl Wired Home R?nge Temporary Service Duplez Apt. Bmldmc? Water Heater Dryer Lightinp Rxtwes Electnc Heatin Commeraal Bldy. Furnace Silo Unluader Industnal 81Ag. qir Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tanl< Farm thar neci y Otner Isuecifvl Com xit l t er uomfY Other Olhcr [ e nspection Fee Below 4 Fea ServiceEmraneeSize fl Fee FeaAers/Su?texAers # Fae, GrcwtR - Op a 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 qm s U to 30 Am s Above 200 qmps 37 to 700 qmps 31 to 700 Am s Swimming Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100- _Amus Remarks ? ?ii5?e?c?on S ? ?v TOTAL^FEE-1 ? nfA Hough-m l / 11- % Date e I, th ?ElecNicel ? Inspec[oq herebp Final cartity Ihat the abova ?soecaon nes eeeo ? y ? mede. This repues[ vo,d r Imm /"(/3? on`t?hs?yp r? ^]y 7 /? ? U J? O G 1 L+--?(? Request Date rp?/ Fire No. Rough-in Inspecuon Peqwred? ?Heady Nuw ? Will Notrty Inspec- ! ' - p?p ?Yes ?No [or When HeadY Do Licansed Elerincal ConVactor I hereby request inspectmn o( above ? Owner e lectrica I work i rtsla I IeA at. Street AAdress, Box or Poute No.WP. JaDe( ,E! I+& y ?? ff p g City ry r /? ecuon o. Townsh?p Name or No, Hanee No. Count ?alr? Occupant IPRINT) ' Phone No. Power Supplie? Atldre55 Electncal Contractor ICompany Namel Contractor's L,cense No. nc ° .?',? te U f ' Ayt? n s (COn [ ractor or Owner Makm Ma?l?ng Addresp Installapon) Auchonzed gnamre Owner Makiny Insta lat'on) Phone Nurt?ber MIIVNESOTp STqTE eOAHO OF ELECTqrCITY Grie9s-Midwey Blde. - Room N-'191 v 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 297-2111 " THIS INSPECTION FEQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE STqTE BOAflD UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. 'l// \ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Eg-00001-04 5?-[ ? 4 See inatraetiens lor rompletnng thia torm on back of yellow roOV. p ? q? R? 7 X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request New Htld Rep. Typa ol Building Appliantws Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building ?ryer Electric Heatin Cominerciai Bidg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk MiIk Tdnk Farm offier Spemfy other ISpec:fyl tlMr Suecify Other Oihc,r 60/OOUL@ lASOEC(lOR I-BB H8/OW M Fee ServiceEnhanca5,ze # Fee F.qd.r./S.bf.ed.r. e0ars k Fee Circurts 0 to 200 Am s Above 200 qi npy s Swimming Pool W Amps Transiormers ms Signs oJL ction TOT F Remarks L ?! 9wN M_ ?I ( ??, ? EE 8j 7_1 I, i/ !L ? I !/ V Rough-in Oa[e [,? ih Elacv r qJ Inspec , erehy Fi certdy that the-above nal mede?<ion has been J tTie reoueat vald /8 momha irom a ?This reauest void 18 nwnths (rom 0 70$51L// ? RPQuE$I 5d1 f. I? . • ?L?censetl Electrmal Contractnr ? Owner Sveet Address, eox or Route No. -?*z S5 C 6f} C Hn. ectron o. T?wnship Name or R J£Ih-i f n4PECt?on ]wre ? ?Ready Now?Will NoLlv Ins-Pec- ]1'es Wo lor When fleaAy I hereby requast rnspection ol above elachmal work installad aD cirv OccaGan} (pplNTl V-A !ra Tq ' J Pho„e No. T E ?S C0. ( i?- ,2 Power Supplier ' k, Atltlress Elecbical Cont?aemr ICompanV Namel Canvacmr's Ucanse No. ?.uxe?'ar c?E[° r,:= M ? eaamesstco?tra?lo W?T?RVILC? -?Ne. ??? ? or Owner M2king Instnila[innl MINNESOTA g7q7E eOAPO OF E1.ECTqICITY , G1-THIS INSPECTIDN REQUE T WILL y Bldg. - qaom N-191 BE qCCEPTED BY THE STqTEBOARD T 1021 U niversitv Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 642-0800 UNLESS PFOPEN INSVECTION FEE IS _ ENCLOSED. /CaJ31SS?!% REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPEC710N Sea instructions lor comPleting this form on back ( &Vh EB-00001-06 11 11 708 ?? o vellow coov. r ? -N- 8e/ow Work Covered by Ms Reques7 J '4ryd W°p. ?TYPe o10nleing APPhunca-----_ Home Pange earoueant w,en Duphe.x Teinporary Water Service Heater -----? Apt. Bwldmg prye1 LighLng Fxtuies Commercial BIdV. Fu.rt_,?e Electric Heatinn iL - ??r?????11 ree veiaw Fee Serv c Ent 5 + I U fn 90:?-- to 1( ]VP 1 Ik Date Final ?• ?he Ele Inspector, heraby t ca???fV ihat the apove ? L?y iI15p8CtID11 hBS ?eBfl TMnrapuasfvoitll8mont?slrom mede. repuest void !?> ? °nn?h?s+ fero?m ? OUGO95 L Renuest Date F,,e No ? ... ? J U LicenseA Elec[ncal Contnctar ? Owper StrPei qddress, Box or Routy No. IPOlier (qi-2 7 I 0 3c- ?eh-in Insoecbon 1 ed? ? Rearly Now Will Noutv ?nspec- ?e+ ? No ?or When ReadY I heraby request inspecM1On of above electncal work insialled aL AdAress EIecR? I CnnVactor (ComUany Name) ?? ? Convactor?s License N , 'Ma? ?y i li g qdJre ss (C ntrectn ? 7 ,? ? ? ?? c wner ak,qg.lnstailation) /?? ,( r? /'? "1 ? I ' L- A ffi °S / f ? LJ J ? 7/ u on A SiBnaw IContra? JpK,n Makiny Installat11n0 - i Phone NumbEr :? 6 _ y ? ? a MINNESOTA STATE BOA OF ELECTqICITY G-pas-Midway Bldp. - Room N-191 THIS INSPECTIpN FEQUEST WILL NOT 1021 Univergity Ave„ St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone 1672J 291.2177 BE ACCEPTEO BY THE STATE BOqqD UNLESS PqOPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. ,?CG REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPE CTION See instructians for compleling Ihis fo ee-ooooi_nn rm on hack of y¢Ilow copy. U ? "R'" Be/ W T7(? ow ork Covered by This Reques, ev. Hdtl flep. Type of Building qpplsaces Wqetl Home R?nge Eauioment Wi.ed Duplex Water Heater Temporary Seroice APt. Building Dryer Lighhng Fiztures Commercial Bldg. Fumace Electnc Heabn Industrial Bld 9. Air Conditioner S-Io Unloader ' Farm r,..._ _ . . Bulk Milk Ts.,U Service Ent.ance Size o ,,72nn Am.,.. Fina (n w_ to if )VP ? Phone No. v -: `/ - ? ?m30 e31 to 1 1 TOTAL FE . ? q Da[e l1 y y7- h Electrical % to that the abova . t _?on has been