590 Eden Cir - Site Survey.'?* engiyr • * ? ? T LAMDSURVEYOFS•CIy1LENG1NEEfl5 Ll1NOV??ryryERS•I.AND5C4PE11R[4qTEClS Certificate of Survey tor: T" E Ro-meIND CO, rIJc, 2422 Enteiprise Orive Mendota lieigh(s, MN 55120 16121 681 1914 ? NoRrN ?\ 0? .A 4 1 rya\^a oq?'e e P IF0 /42'b ?5 >QO=¢4p F .? hq 900•0 Denotes rxisfinj elevafion ?p? ousE 900. p Denoles prvposed e%vation F?h" Fi E VArIONs ?- Lowesf Floor t/evofion g66,410 Deno}es braiRqe f Ufilify Easemenf Top of Blaclt E/evafion , qb -T Oeno S Dr4ina?e F"low Arrows x93 Denoes manurrY?arage Slob Elevcrfion ? 'en f 893, G3 8earin?s shown are Qssumed o Denofes OfpinSef Nub L07'/6 ,BLOCk 3 , COVENTP}' PASS DAKOTA CouNTY, MIIJNESOTA SuflpCI lo easemen I hereby cer111y (het thii s? rve ll ts o,?'record ? Y, prn o' report wpt p?epaoed by nr ndrtr my dirPCt suparvision and 1ha1 I m w+der the law, of the State of Minnesola. Da1ed thls__C?C?._ day of ? ?01? Aegiele?ed Land Surveyor A.D. is_90. ? scal? ' lkch? f Rf1RERT R.. II I.11 _.... RF.G. NO. InB91 2422 Enterpiise Drive PIONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120 LAND3URVEYOR3-CIVILENGINEERS • ?enclItie?.jring • LANOPLqNNERS•LANDSCAPEAPCHRECTS ? ?U `c12{ C VOp1s114 l I D1 7[ L *? T Certificate of Survey for. Tj4E R07TL0N o co, rR-• ? FIORTN Mb?' . Q a?4qAp P r: , ?p •M`' i ? S . ? 0 / \ o?F + 0 2 \ ?RR ? `- / ? R? 36> e t3 ° ? M tl a ?Q /^ °E 1/ 3° e i'l Jp1 ?° / •A,?? Mti \^ / / ??? ' Sr °•-,?e / ?,S' q' 0 `4 ;6 ? b ? •? ?? e 97 y M . (bA? ? n i'\ f1V edG • 900.0 Denoles exisfinj elevafion RaPOSED HOUSE ELEVA'?"tONS . goo.o Denofes proposed elevafion Lawesf Floor E"levoNon g66.46 Denofes b+'aina e E Ufili.fy Easement Top ot Blcrk Elevdfian B93.96 =r Denofes Draine ?"/ow I?rrows C?drpge Slob E/evcrlion 893, v? o Denofes monurrYen f Bearin9s shown are qssumed o Denofez O+'sef Nub Lor/b ,BcoCk 3 , CovFnrTA"Y pAss DAKO7A CoUNTY, MINNESOTA Subjpcl fo easements o('record 1 herebY ttrtify thet [his Survey, plan or repor( wns pr pared 6V or nder my dirn[t supe/ryv?iston and thal I am dWy Regislered land Surveyor under the lawe of the State of Minnesota. Oated thls day ot? A.D. 19 % ySCQ?l? ? frnch = zQfief ' - 2?11-15189102-33 RnAERT B. SIKIC41 L.S. REG. NO. 14891