594 Eden Cir - Certificate of Occupancyj . _ ..-_ _. .- . _ . . _ _ ? ?fTf?3? • rJ . •?••? ' Y f . - (gtr#iftr?tt uf (Orrupartry Citp of eaaan Brvatmrttf of %lditc.g 3tuvertimt This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 ojlhe Uniform Building Code cenefYinS rhar at the lime ojrssuance 11us smxture was in compfiance wilh the mrious ordinanaer of the City regulatixg building construction or use For the following. tsc a.xswcmioa SE DGIGIG4R a4 Pcnuk xo. 18508 p-jp°C9 y+y? R3/)Ai 7ducg pistrict R1 Typc , VN Lo-ay L15. B3, OWW1RY PASS PQST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE