3470 Coachman Rd - Site SurveySIOMA SURVEYINO SERVICES ? 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway ? Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 t -N- ? ?L,E ? 1040 2t, 4•2ib G -?- 19 6' o* L d? `o L ? . ? `$45A , kE96.5 Q ?D J SE CERTIFICATE FOR: w ?e euaoens . UNDDEVELOPEFS RFALTOA$ 1 R COMPANIES MODEL; HERITAGE 3Z0 _ ?- ? O (n?? I 'l• ? DFLAlNPCse f p? Cs dDa U'(IIIT'?` ?.?J i/q ? o e? ?AbM' \ \O (??ND y oas zavo,o ys? \ ' ?s ? l.OT Nw?L,a2zo 1A.w.1832.0 F,o.e I% ne "k e '^ L ? WAYNE D. CORDEu - 1 4&75 - -LEGEND- O Denotes f rari MaMxnsnt m Clenotes Woa! Nub Sef xSyb.S penotes Existirg Spot Elevatian („y?h Denofes Proposed Spot Efevatian ',?Denotes Dra i nage D irec t i on -PNOPERTY DESCRIPrIpV- LOT 1 , Bla'K i- NAMPTOi.I 44816141f5 accordirg to the recarded plat thereof, County, Mimesota PROPOSED GARA6E FLOOR ELEVATION= M7•7 PfdDPOSED iop of 81ock ELEVATION= $yb'0 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVAT70Nw-LYQ?_Q_ w(0 .!ETE: Verity all ffoor heights with Final Hase Plans. e!o?M CERTfFICATION- I hsreby tertify tMt this survey, Plan or rePort was prepared by me or u'der ^N direct supervisian ard that 1 am a duly Re9istered Lard SurveYa wder the laws of the State of Minnesota. ?4fe1s+_Date: '12018(a _ Wayne D. Cordes, N?nn. Rs9. No. I4575 Rev;seA ' 1,181 5t"% G;V;L9e : GMA SURVEYINO SEFiVICEB 3908 Sibley Memonal Highway Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 MOD?L: HERITAGE ?:- 4-•2b -2 ? ?0 , ' o 5 .' ? O ? ? 1 0 ? /q S 1 S N ? ?y'? '? \0 ? ?45.D , kE4G.5 ? J? , J / PoN o Ny41.827.0 u.w1esz.o S l'a r e 15 n2 VdAY!?E D. '+ GC?'D ES _ 14675 - T -N- ? al.E : I":n0 _iF, ND O Denotes Iran Yarn"nt Wad Hub 5et D? SE C ATE FOR; _ Mawe auILoe"s . _ LANO OLVELOPE"S Op5 ' Eq GOMPANIES - " ? 37.0 r. Lxk ale- DRAI? ? utIL > 9 ? k\ EAS dv v C•? lo 135• ? 2 ' f y .°e? A Denotes X5465 Denotes Existirg Spot Elevatian W oT 1 Denotes Proposed SP°t Elevatian (a yHOw? ? penotes Dra inege D irec tion _pppPERTY DE.SCRIPfIQI- 1A1 1 . BLGCK --1- N PTOO *? 0H?? lat tnereof, accordirg to the recorded P PROPOSED GARAof Bl? pVPOSED iop k ELEVATION! g? BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION?-014- NOI` Verify all fiaor ?pights with Final House Plans. a? TvpZS CERfIFICAT10?1- thet this surveY• P1°^ ? ??t 1 herebY certifY? or vder mY direct supgr'?'isicn was PrePared bY ard that 1 am a duly Re9istered Lard 5u'VeYOr urder the IaM's of fhe Stste of Yimesota. D, HNInn%ev. ?te: ?IZoNo. 14575 werne o c«-de= a?• n_..•..I ? Y,jaj _s?,J? f?•?s w (C