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3474 Coachman Rd - Site Survey
SIOMA , 140SE„"?,j,&&,j,CATE FOR; SUFtVEY1N0 uNOOtveLoPCas . ?REAlTORS SEFIVICEB 3908 Sibley Memorlal Hiphway FROMTIIR coMPANIEs Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 MO(3E?- . BRI,rTANY ? a . / -N- ' s ?` PoN D oHo,o , iiGALa.Io=A.O? X ?.to,9j. 1?IV1/•L.827.0 H.W. L.832.0 ? y L? ?( 2??.. ?0 ? ? xg s?. . /^ S??f••• ..4A0.AGe ? ?s, 5,1-o?e?ine i ? , f1 \0 ?p/ ',PloCOS xs?•? ?A,d, . J ? ? a?Oriuauay _' Np4ryK ? ?.'' Q a ? ; + \\ ? ,?J ('? 3 3e P ,?p \ A ?i, ? 'ii?• \y?Apy/ ' ,?? /1? ?o4 4$ < . ? "? ?x• ? . ?? R . ?IZ) O O ? o tk" \ ` ` E ? S x o , xN?..._......?. ??[f WAYNE D.'.? ? CORDES - I s ?!?- 14675 - i?` ' "?IIYIIR611? -LEQEND mi?y,, ?SV R `raa? PROPOSED 6ARA6E FLDOR ELEVATION= Sy6'? O Genotes 1ron Mawwnt PROPOSEO iop of 81xk ELEYATION! kG3 PROPOSED 'BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVAiION- g38,3 ?r a Qenotes Woai HL6 Set „ 8`/6.5 Denotes Existirg Spot Elevatian NOTE. yerify all flaor he+9hfs with Finel Nause Plans. 1.4 Or. . Glenotes Proposed Spot Elevation ?-Qenotes Orainage Directim Sllli/EYdtS CEftIIFlCAT1?- 1 hereby certify thet this swwey, Plsn or rcport -PFM(fi?y.WSCRIpfIGYV- was pre/sred by me or u"der my direct supervisian LOT ?.BLCCK 1 erd thst I em a duly Registerod Lard Surveya - 14ANfP'1'OK }4EIC9NrS ? laws of the Stefe of Minnesots. accord irg to the recarded plet thereof, A,.Y ? pate: I? Ax , DlkKO'fA County. Mimesota Wayne D. Cordes. Yinn. Reg. No. 14675