3486 Coachman Rd - Site Surveyp+-5 a+.4E' 1 '3 .. 810MA HOUSE CERTIFICATE FDR: \ MOMENDDEELOPENS , SURVEYINO U ? pEAITOR$ SERVICEB ? iw"ii 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway FRO? COMPANIES Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 ?¦w? ? ? . ? I ? I?lode ( : % ST-Pr? FoRq -N- , , PoN4 ? N.W.L. 9L10 ? ? A.W.L. 83Z.0 W 44 ALE ? I11=4.01 ?? ? p?Ai1JAG?E ? ?9 ? ?TILIT? a I? ? ?01 `t Q s,? )I•? -? 1 sl 6?"3yw --- oN /rye ? LOT 5 ? '/ /s ? Stior tir. 14, 2 ? / : t xs4o.o oN Q- ? ?ot1?l1i?°o ? ProDoee a/?Ill?ai_ l` t7 ?? ? o *Or lf 0 i ? ,o? ` ? S ro? l./) f> N 7? C(04 ? J ` CF,+ N'O e8' ss;, o ? '9vo.? ? ?40 m WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 - -LEGEND " O Lenotes frai moninrenf m Denotes Wad Hub Set x 540.8 ppnotes Existirg Spot Efevatian („?Wa Denotes Proposed Spnt Elevation ?- Denotes Dra i nage D i rec t i an _PAOPERTY OESCRIPI'1GN- LOT y , BLIX'K `_?}AMPTDU NEIGN1y accordirg to tM reccrdai plat thereof, County, Minnesota 7.3 PROPOSED 6ARA6E FLOOR ELEVATION= 923•4 PlX7POSED Top of 81ock ELEVATIONe 8T33 PROPOSEO BASfYENT FLOOR ELEVATlON-? BY'13 u1,0 NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Final House Pfans. IFI 1 hereby cerfify that ihis surveY. Plsn or rePort was prepared by me or uMer my direct supervision and thef f am a ahuly Registered Lani SurveYa' urler the laws of the State of Minnesota. I ? ^ ?' i/z l86 Wc?.._l (,e.. oere: Meyne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. Na 14575 SIOMA Su AvEVi nio SEFlVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 /' J : CERTIFICATE hOR: nowE euiLoc 145 LAND OEVELOPEpS ' REALTORS ' COMPANIES ?..?..?. ? -N- ? c,cp.l..6 : 111 =40' VCj'1 bi 0 ?) ? s ? A 2 Q' ? ? 111Pi.?, r u.w.?. ezi.o ?aAi??a.G,e ?/ ? ` v Ooddl: ST{4F FoRq 16-?o3 -'. - "--_^ ? . ?S rv' S?Of \Wr. ?. ?Ro-'.josEt) 4 D E?r ` . "• ?/y -ryi?p'o? lN ^F, 1gpOl , 1 0 ?qp 9? ? ` ByzSx? ' L pn'c o?3.5? ? N A/ 7op`g o o, ` NM Sgn - _ ?84o.6 ? \RQ ?? . m WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 - -LF?- O Denotes Irori IVorxmnt m Oenotes Wad Hub Set x sqo.8 qenotes Existirg Spof Elevation (a24124 (aenotes Proposed SPot Elevation "---Denofes Drainage Direction _PROPERTY OESCRIPfION- Lor y eLax L- NANP'fO1J NEICaN'ih accordirg to the recorded prat fhereof, Nimesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATfON= 023•0 PAOPOSED 7op of Blotk ELEVA7lON° 813'3 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLODR ELEVAiION- 841'3 l?TE: Verify afl floor heights wifh Final Hause Plaru. ?? WaX?g CERTIFIC/1TIpV- ! hereby certify thafi this surveY• Dlsn orreP°ft was prepared 6y me or vder mY direct supervisia^ ard that ! am a dury ?tegistered U^d SurveY°f urider the faws of the State of ?innesata. Llti&- ?? Dete: Wayre D. Cardes. Yirn. Re9. No. 14575 I W+0