3494 Coachman Rd - Site Survey SIOMA SUFiV SE ey Memorfal Highway 3908 Sihl Eagan. Phone I -N- ? EYINO RVICES Minnesota 55122 :(612) 452-3077 ye-ai..rZ : I " -a-c,? , .,.? \ ? HOUSE CERTIFICATE FOR: -7 110MEBUiIUEHti IRND OfVtUM1IN? . ?.?.?..- r,?Ai, ,,?, a?•??? FROPIT- IER COMPANIES " ur Al1ll? 5 V-Io 4 I1 Of0 NEi mOQ?i - ? s?.q, l.aNCasTeR . .? . . n , Water Ela?. > BZT.L ? feb.19,1986 NIq,L. S BtY.O ? ? RAt N?& N f-U'fiy'f-( , , EA??M t a S? V50 ?-•s t aa„?`` ; r So N , 10i /4 l.0"T' '1 ° ? ro p o x ? `. ? '- ? ? t xe3je ? • ' {'? Je L : 'J'i• C7 ?ProPo'ed N / 1I,??NpUSEt,, ? ? . ? ? .. 11 ??j". ? ? aq ?,,`a?? Af _ • ? ? 1 ? v10ce s'?O Q ? ? 08ig , 839.0 ?. . or?cNMqti k8 ? ROar? WAYNE D. CORDES - i4675 - -LFGEND " O Denotes fron Yonuerent m Denotes Woai Nub Set x 839.o Denotes Existirg Spot Elevation yvfN) Denotes Proposed Spot EJevation ,,.--- Denotes Dra inage Di rect i on -PRDPEItIY DE9CRIPTI(XV- LOT-7,BLGYK I ?IAMPION µEiCaNI"?i accardifg to the recorded plat thereof, Caunty, Mimesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= 840,0 PROPOSED Top of 81ock ELEVAilON- SY0.3 PROPOSED BASENENT FLOOR ELEVATION= 837•3 Lewar Qs.•.k. F-koor E1ev. = _832.?.. NOTE: Verify a11 fioar he+9hts with Final Nouse Plans. ?aUpApM CEHfIFICEIT1LY+l- ! hereby certify thet this survey, plen or report was prepsr'ed by mis or +.rder my direct supervisian ard thet 1 am e duly RegisferoG I.sid SurveYa" iader the laws of the Stste of Yirwiesote. 0e„?ti1-.ak Date: rY?6 Wayne D. Cordes. Minn. Reg. No. 14575