3542 Coachman Rd - Site Survey81 O MA SUAVEYI NO SEAVICEB 3908 Sibley Memorfal Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 , IYCn1re' Ii1" 4.0 f?+wnwrt?K ? -. a ? . ? ? 1C Q J '? 1711 IIDME au? '? i.s'??°J ,? E ^ Vo L.oT o 111 - - - ---> !L•o , ?o x x8b9;ai ? Lonr ';.:) For: ? ? ? ?• M! _ r? ? x 1u•o WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 - -LEGEND" O Denotes Iran dlaiurent m Denotes Nor.d Hub Set xa-76-d Denotes Existirg Spot Elevation („ N,?q Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation ,,?Opnotes Orainage Direcfion -PiqP'ERIY DESCRIP[I(,N- LOT ?q .BLOCKi_ ' =}FAMPSQN" ?EICa4F'C'? accordirg to the recorded plaf thereof, Mimesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION ?70,3 PAOPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION! PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION- $6I.3 NOTE` Verify all'flonr heights with Finel House Plaro. _W&EVdtS CERfIFICATIpV- ! hereby certify thnt this survey, p/an or rcpvrt was prePsred bY me a' urder i"Y direct supervision ard that J am a duly Re9istsred Le?d SurveYo?' urderthe laws ot the Stste of Yimesota. te: '??Zd18b Wayne D. Cordes. Mirm. Reg. No. 14675 ?