3574 Coachman Rd - Site Surveya ? c%IOMA 8URVEYI NO I SERVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 ' Phone: (612) 452•3077 S GA LE : I o=40 I d 00 0 ??\ ? o ? d' ? r-• d41 ? o 01, X `U ?x r I ? 0 C House Certificate For: ? • A NpME BVIIDEAS W+0 Df R?i0A9 . ?R CQMPANIES ?I ox FoRa L:)'' '2 12? I 0 lP.o.dinl? y(?? ° vQ}"`/T;,??3.0 ? ? .o D I ewa? ? i!: ?i ? G o W ? IF.IAC16 I In .; wo ' ra? ?gt 1 4'F( 'gM - ur - - - =' ?'s ?- _ I Z744 -- 'N.,.$7? 34W CRad:a1? I WA`/!VE D. CGRDES ?`. -14675- -LgkEN - O Qenotes 7rcn 1Wauff°nt 0 Llenotes Woai Hub Set x 871•0 Qenotes Existirg Spot Elevation wl?%rv Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation ',1-- Denotes Dra i nage D i rett i ori -PAOPEA7Y DESCRIPrILrI- LOT 21 , BLGYK 1 :I4AMP?Ohl H61Ca}}147 accordirg fio ths recorded plat thereaf, Yinnesota PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATIDN= P?iOPOSEO Top of 81ock ELEVATION= ?Z,3 ,a r PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVAiION= Sb9•3 r.?? NOTE: Verify all flow' heights wrth Final Howe Plans. Xa•= CERriFrcnriau- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was p'ePdred bY "e or under my direct supervrsim arrl that f am a dufy Regisfered Lard SW"veYa urder the laws of the Sfate of Yinnesofa. L?A? b_9-D9te: QI 8b Weyne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14575 S ? SIOMA souse Certificate Far: - LANO DEVEIOPEAS`- S U AVEYI N O RFALTONB. ., S E A V I G E B 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway ;?T COMPAI+ItES .. Eagan, Minnesota 55122 -'??? " . Phone: (612) 4523077 ' gcALP-'- 10 -40 ? DEL: oXFORD ? 1 0 L.; `.' 'L ? d?j fV:Uaial) o ? .?,'1.0 ?a,01 +I 22-i ? o<U -?1 127.44 X vX f Q I n-- 7' ?I N'Ji ?;+ 1 -LEGEND" O Lenotes Iran YonLan?nt m Qenotes Woai Hub Set x S11•DDenotes Existirg Spot Elevation („=,{1 Opnotes Proposa? Spot Elevation ?-Denates Orainage Direction _PADPEft1Y OE9CR1PrlON- LOT 'Z1 ,BLLCK i _. NAMPToIJ H E ? 014T47 aaordirg to the recorded pfat thereof, f-%C,KO"(A Caunty, Yinnesota / ? ? or2AiNAy6 ,.+ urI utY ri ? ff?' t a 47r `-i f ? a o r - :.w~?87 CR ad'w.1 ? '' 7 H ' WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 - PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVAiION= 5-1Z,O PRDPOSED Top of 81 oCk ELEVAT lON= I Z'-3 PROPOSED BASEMENT Ft00R ELEVATfONa S109.3 * NOT£: Verity alJ floor heights wrth Final Hause PlanS. -qjraow?25 GERTIFICATIGYV- 1 here6y certify thet this survey. Plen or reP°r't wss prepared bY me a' urder my direct supervrsiai ard that 1 am a duly Registered Lani Surveya' urder the lews of the State of Minnesota. Wq„?.?e.. ? ""4b-Date: ?/ZD 86 Wayne D. Cordes, Winn• Reg• No. 14675