3575 Coachman Rd - Site Survey810MA SURVEYING 8EAVICEB 3908 Sibley Memorial Highwey ` Eagan. Minnesola 55122 Phone: (612) 452-3077 'vCALE ! 0=4'0' l::"' i ' 3 ? L-"O r 'LC3 W ? N ? ?n m N ? 0 r Z? 81t?'7- ?45. / CERTIFICATE FOR; ? •?r ?? ? ,.•? i ? ? j?' DRAiNAG?? ?,% ?_ U7? U??( f EAhM?'f• . 'I T WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 - ; LEGEND ? O Llsnotes Ircn MarLnisnt so Denotes Mad Nub Set 071,6 qenotes Exisfirg Spot Elevatian („ :wW?) (krafes Proposed Spot Elevafion 1,?--O1en0te3 Drainage Direction _PADPER?Y OESCRIPfIUI- LOT 11, BLGCK 4._ HAMPTON fiEIGHTS xcordirg fo the rsccrded plat ihereol, Dakota Cq,nty, Mimesota MODEL: HARTFORD 1..yK i J? 1 ----7 N83°43'4411 R9 NoMe eun neHe ? LANOpEVELOPFAS * NEAtfUNS ?A COMPANIES 3p 1 O I - x .? ko ? p1 _Driveiay ? 0 ti s I n ?r oc 4,0 I ? Q -Z ? JQ ?1 - xs,e, U ? V e ? PROPOSED GARA6E FLOOR ELEVATION= $iZ'C) PIdOPO5E0 lop of 81ock ELEVATION- SlZ.3 PROFOSED SASC-#£NT fL00R ELEVATlON= 864.3 NOTE. Verify all floor heights with Fina! House Plara. qUNEYaRS LIR'fIFIC4TI 1 hereby cerfify tiat this survey, plan or report Nas prepered by me or w+der my direct supervisim arrf tlat 1 am e duly Re9istered Lani Sw'veYor under the laws of ihe State of Minnesota. Da te: `rq 1SV? Wayne D. Cordes, winn. Reg. Na. 14575