1693 Galway Lane - Site SurveyCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY SWENSON LAND SURVEYING, INC. ,asso weco stre.e RONALD J. SWEN50N Ramsey, Minnesota 55303 TELEPHONE REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR (612) 427-1020 SURVEY FOR: A?-, /(JgH?r-S I CDA,1ST. x ? u 4 ? ? I 901. g Zo •43 2? '?o ? .12 3 M P2oPOSED ` e E. 9&XI ? o 4. 969? ?tI)23(9Z? Zy N 12 N 12.o f 9a9Q x oL ? ?sTw.g9?s s m? - ? P v x ., m o?° 4 4 « i x ti v? N 0 N I l? o. ? P Lnl . - Lj" 35.OS ? ? x dr 5°5a'qg„ X9081 • Denotes Iron Monuments Found O Denotes Iron Monuments Set l A 2°Z teet ? 1 t36? og Invoke No. 2828 31b`0 ? d8 Nd0%73 Ap p RtaSS 1b93 G q%-w qY L ANE ?"tS.o?3/f _ .•??..' ?5 x 589° 36 .???,w 6o.ao? X` t co"'C?azr4 Q=344Q8' . _?e' ?ute - M d' PROPOSED GAADES TOP OF FOUNDATSON = 911.4 DENOTES EXISTIN6 ELEVATION x900.0 6ARAGE FLOOR = 911.1 DENOTES PROPOSED GRADES (900.0) LOWEST FLOOA = 903.3 OENOTES SURFACE ORAINAGE -------> I hereby certify that thia is a true and aorrect rapresentation of a survey of tha boundaries of: Lot 2, Block 2, MURPHV FARM, Dakota County, Minnesota. It does purvort to show improvements ar sncroachments, if any?rveye by me this 4th day oi November, 1997. Swenson LanC Survaying, Inc. - Ronald J. Swenson, Registerad Lend Surveyor, MN. Liconse No. 13297