1741 Cochrane Ave - Site SurveyCeTqftge o? La[Md SUTWOW MUM CoMoffooNS 1741 CoCHRaMIE raVEo EraGaN9 MN I hereby certify }ha} this survey was prepared by me or under my direcT svpervison. 1 am a duly registered land s?rveyor ? Ve ws of he State of MinnesoTa. ? October 37, 2007 Frank R. Cnrdarelle, L.S. Registration No. 6508 Drawing revised on LAND PARCEL SURVEYED Lot 2, Block 7, CEDAR GROVE NO. 10, occording fo the recorded plat thereof in Dakota Couniy, MinnesoTa. Easements, if any, affeding the land parcel surveyed by usage, of puhli< record, or otherwise indicaied on any plqt or map werc not reviewed and are omitted, unless otherwise indicaTed. The above lond parcel description is inferred from ihe street address and/or legal des<ripfion provided by the client, together with review, if any, of ihe County taxation descripiion for the land parcel and/or County surveyor's section map informaAon. MN ? W \ 7 HARDCOVER & AREAS land parcel surveyed (lot) 78755 SO. R. A driveway 895 SQ. FT. B boilding & plan garage 2538 SQ. Fi. C sidewalks, patio 489 54. FT. proposed bt hardcover(A,6,C) 3922 SQ. FT. 20.9% ? NOTES i I 0 SvrveyoNS iron monumenf bund in ground SvrveyoYs iron me???n1 b be se1 in O ground and modced LS 6509 ? Beorings ore assvmed. Elevafiorts are usamed. w Si1e benchmark is gawge iloorsla6wilh an ?n ossemed elemtion of 1O137ice1. \ ? P record plaf ineasure; M wrveyed meesurc; MP reeeM and survey measure are cqwl. DUE drainage & uHliry ensement 0' 20' 40' 60' Frank R. Cardarelle Land Surveyor, Inc. 6440 Flying Cfoud Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 952-941-3031 fax 952-941-3030 TOP ? ? \ I I 5 88'15'09" W 92.30M 92.20P -N N?E 10' (D o ? ? ? PREPARED FOR Winthrop & Linda Watts 1741 Cochrnne Ave Eagan, MN 55122 \a/ ` 22 I \ . % #* ,, ? I ",pN -';t ? I . ? . ? ? ? ' . ? ? ? ' _ ¦ (EAGAkl ; FD 1 /vv ? } l I ? J ? ' I; ,? ? ?; - % ? ? ?f ?? • 0 O\ x 99,75 15'ASH ?n ? ? i? W ? ? ? ?,? / / ? ? 21'ASH0,11 ?oo . ? I,j I Z ?? .rww.... / ? I I ? ?? Q ? ? ? I I ? ?•1Nf1 0d ? L L ??6 X/ii? -? ? / ? ? ? ? HOUSE#1741 , i? i? x 102.60 GARAGE, I 1ST FLOOR III t // e2 ?7r/ ? . . . , , , . . . ? ??21? 1?=?! 1 ' . _ ?I ^a ?s .e., ,.. . ° ? , oo••?? ' PL , I i II x 99,37 ? '' < a d ? ° ?I ?yL i??H ?\-y ?\ d ?? ? 5'M4PI J tly"63;6?"?-W, g2. OMP x?`=?°' 4d A8 97.88 o? < ?; rNV c WATER LINE MAItKING° a a° a 4 ° A ? . 4 ? ? 1 \ ? . a ? I 4 ro n O cq I ? 3 ? I ? 0 N ? Iw o ? o . ? a VIE J Ij a i N