2985 Commers Dr - Certificate of Occupancyk:. y -'. i TERMINAL WAREHOUSE lII WeL`ttfiCQt¢ 0f CCCitvQxiC? Witv of Cfagan mepartnacut o; $KiUbixg 3noectian Thrs Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code cerrifying that at the time of issuance this strucrure was rn compliance with the various ordinances of the City regalating building construction or use. For the jollowing: COMM NEW 30358 ?? ???: B? ??t No aa„P-yrype S-1 S-3 za? o;,,? I-1 Type. ca,:,, Il-N O f ROSEVILLE PROPBRTUI 2575 FAIRVIEW AVE., ROSEVILLE, t1N Buia;ng wnex o 2985 IOMMEgS DR L1, B1, EAGA N BUSINESS 11-IOMMONS 8?ikbns Addrm Loewity Due: Birilding OPficial ' ' POST IN A GONSPICUOUS PLACE