1847 Deer Pond Cir - Site SurveylN?DQ-C-SS ? 18`?"t Q?? P4?0 n.kb Q.t 2,64, . Z. ' . ?,? ?.?2,. ?• ?tc°A E?i..oGlL Ef.-, 1a ?- ? de ? ?ti°ri ' Erya' ,' 4? Q s ?Q M1 .,[07 ? t} ZZ,S ?.? d ENGYNEERIII szc N ? ? ? \ c? ? t F?u ??.v? z,, ?.- 1?..1Y QI aJ ' '??.< ? ? ° _ ? z?• ? E A GA N R f V i W E D 5 \/ ? :laS'4$° 3 s ? f I ?fDo?? Sc-O.I.e- o DEt-laT6? tRot?l Mot?.lt?NeEn1T . to ?? nj? ? ?o + ? , ? Vo , 6CP - ?_ ya' N ?p,5,fV7 ,.r . 9 4 II ?f N e :..? m ? Q) ( \., .. ,*111 C. t ?c.L, E f,ae P T1ca" 1..MA ta r' w21 F3l... ?.c. ?-. H Av?i ?t- ?R. E STj DAsG.?TP+ Gc??w1TYg o T A. I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duiy Registered Land Surve,yor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Ea te: g5? RE'J. ?l-"1(o-9Gi Lei:ey Fi. tp c;il?n _^r Registered Land Surveyo? ?+u. ?--CL +Qd ` ?. j1.-1' - S C. ?i- - ?u.C. t C-C ?kjp ?flS?-. ??'?ra e o I&a i ? l?p? ?d?j?C?Ea-6 i C-::: I... ?j?q•, 2- ° ?'n ? IV r : S' 1-21? ? Stti ;.g ?c ? ?- ' U! 4' ? •r? 5 , f 114 7-u` N ° Pe.?? \ M J c?????, ? ? ? ? S? ? ' _ ?... S ^ ? /?1\lZf?C?t= Q 0 ,=7 16 s \??, ? d i: i? q%, (S-N ? - Y $ >? - - \ kt. Ar P?V,--kQ ?c..b:?? t" ???`?' ?S? ?•C?.t P i 1 ch3? l...C ti ??E ?-l?"T 6? t fZ sat? l?.Ab ?.? a:?. ?4?, "L' !5 P. ?-e^?' A. G. n ? r+ -r Y 9 S hereby certify that this survej was p?????ed ay me 6i° under my direct sup2rvision znd that I am a duly Regis-lered Land Surveyor unde^ the laws of the State of Pr7innesota. ? y.., ,. , • ??fo ?_ ??f GS- ?!/ ??? _----?? r--. _ Registered Lar_d Surveyoi :..,. _C:;•;="