4153 Countryview Dr - Site Survey2422 Enterprise priv: Mendota Heiqhts, MN 55520 ? ?9?i??EFA (e12) se1-1e14-Fox 587-9488 LANO SURIEVOR3 • CAAL ENCINFERS -?- "? ?:1MO Pw+neRS • 6NIO5GAPE AftCM?C75 gZg Highway 10 Northeast ?19g 1'!eie59'`HPIg gleine. MN 55434 (012) 783-1880•Fax 783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: MOC1tgOI'Yler,rDesign & Build. Inc. r• "`'' hiouse Address: 4153 CountrXview Drive Eagan„-MN Model Name; Mvstic ? 13 I ,o i so E ' S 89'23'41 E 728.21 - - - ?. OYERLANOF.MERGENCY SPIIt,WAY a'?8• ?? P ? a . . , 4S.OG -30A0 ? Lii . --e- $ . O _ f ?- + ?'- ax.eo ---?? I io ~? ? ? ?Jwe? ? I 4- i Q I w ? ,%.,.(V. q $ . ? ? C3 cD ?J.J . ??,a.$ ??, I m o ? i??? 12 o? ' w 0 , N - ? ?(,.. c( ?.• .. ? ? ? ° ? w ' I w ??uY?? . °o "' - I . a $ w { e,A,?•2 z ? ? d I g?? o I i I- 24450 b M 2?? ? ?? ? 8aR ? -, $2?'S 93 o '4I 1 L------:°-------m_..?_ _J O . . v? . ' ' 49.D0 j 30.00 ? U g?q.4a 92S.5o iggo,7A 9z9.7. B N 89'23'41 W 1 ? . . I^ ??IA1C DEP? ? 131? I?? L U PROPOSED HOVSEELEVA7ION = 1100.0. Denotes Existing Elevation '• - ?4th' Level Floor; Elevation: 825.0 9p0 Denotes Proposed E(eyation 3rd Level Fioor Elevation:829.80 ? Denotes Rrotnoge & Utility Easement ' Top of Biock Elevation:833.11 '- - TDenotas low Direction Drainage F - 2' Gqrage Slab Elevation: 532.78 -? Oenotes Monument ? '--r?- Denotes Offset Hub -: Bearings shown arQ assumed L?T 12 ?OCK 2;'CQUNTRY HOLL:OW 2ND ADD. $ i Reeeby certFfy thai •OAKO7A .COUNYY. MINNESOTA ' - - ' thls survsy, ptan or raport was ar ared by or under my direct supCrviSl?oJnand em duly Registered Lend Surveyw 19? O d khladey A f Mi P under the lews of the Sta nnssota. ate tt a ? , , .. . . . , ir ' ? r . `-yl?. ?fn?_3 fgg, . ?... ^LI t' ' _ ' . OBE .9.SIKICI-t L.S.RfiG.N0.14991 34(?. 92485.02 ' ,----- ?- 2422 Enterprisa prive * dofiB1 e1914-F x 681?9489 ? pION?EA , v.NO suavEvoris . CIVIL ENqN6E0.3 (812 } *e,?0 ne e?.??g LANO PL1nNNERS • LAnoscwe nRdaiTEcis 625 Highway 70 Norlheost" * Bloine, MN 55434 ` '? ;?.::]f• .. (612) 783-1880•Fax 783-1863 CertificatE of survey for: Montaomery Design & Build. IC1C. Nouse Address: 4153 Countr?Niew Drive. Eagan. MN Model Name: M•vstic ? zz. I 30 o T as.oo ao,oa gyh1? u"' ? W I r-- -------Jg-------??---, ? > 32.00 -1 I io Q ? g I SFltJice?. w I 1 ?ryh}, ? ? .:I I? W ? IU ? q 8 s,? ? ? ?-+? - 01:? ? .? ? € 4 r= ?sas i ao? o ° ? w z 0!? Ig ? ? ? ? Bt$? ? 24.50 zo.sai 8uF• D L ---- 0 ? I '" - -_ 45. 00 ^ ?, 3_0.00 ? U $iq,? 92S.AO !Sgo.7h 9z9.-t . I . 142.00 ? - N 89'23'41 w 11 . , ' I ING DEP ;-. , :.:. . . , .. ?N IN$F,? ? f.,. -P:R.WRIll'"'QUIRE?` ? PRQPOSED HOl1SE ELEVATION = soo.a, Denotes; Existing Eleva#ion . ,' ,,q.{h Level Floor Elevation: 825.00 • 9???0 ^venotes Froposed Elevatiun 3rd Level Floor Elevation:g29•9p --= Deno4es Qroinage & U#ility Easement, Top of Block Elevation;833.11 - Qenotas . Droinage Flow Direction -- -o- Denotes MonumenS Gar49e. Slab Elevation:.832J8 --- --9- Denotes Offset'`Hub ` Bearings shown dre assumed LOT 12`; BLOCK COUNTRY HOLLOW ZND ADD. `OAKOTA CDUN1'Y, MINNESOTA I hereby cer[iFy that thls aurvCy, plan or report wa? pr ated by ar under my dirsct xUpCrvislon.and em duly RlgiSlered L.and Survayor under the laws af thc State of Mipnasota. Pated thls?dey a?l?? q,D, 10 _!Z.&J' l . . , . . . Z C&'' SCale, 1inC?=3?fBe , . . . - OBE B.S?KICNI.S.R6Q.PIO.14bB1 ? 92485.02 ?