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569 Coventry Pkwy - Site Survey
** * * * PIONEER L&Na 5URWYO * eng neer ng LMo PLWHCRS. * * * * 2422 Enferprise Drive Mendoto Heights, MN 65120 612) 681-1914•Fox 681-9488 625 Highway 10 Northeost , 51olne, MN 55434 812) 783--1880•FOx 783-1883 Certificate of survey for: The Rottlund Companx, I(1C. ? 12 House Address: Coventry Parkway. Ea.gany MN Madel iVame: Expanded Westwood Customer: Klasaes ? . ? ` C . ` . O ? . ` ? .2 130' yo c?R ` ` 4 .` . `14'h'yy?Y \ :>"' ? ? 70 382e' It 90 00 1 Ay ? ? A? / 4po 8 ?11 ?, ° '>.q? qgS.4 <WD r ? 883.9 7 967. H??',°?. » ? INs?' ? 13 ` EAGN ENc:?, N? ?93 a?Y` J?/s 342, 8?. 14 F .3 ? . eoo.o Denotes Exlsting Elevotiqn kC'?. Denotes Proposed Elevation Denotes prainage & Utility Eqsement Denotes Dralnoge Flow Directton --0--. Denotes Monument a- Denates Offset Hub Bearings shown LOT 113, BLOCK3 C( DAKOTA COUNTY, AIINNESOTA 1 Aereby eertity tnst ihis wrvey, plen a rePa't cd by undel the 12rra Ot lhe Stete Of Minnpypm_ pa« lhls 9/p? W?? dyy 0}_ •,t{yB7. d ? ?. \ ? 79 } ? L .- T ??F aN ?? L- :: 1?°; ? ? PROPO5EO HOUSE ELEVAiIOV Lookout Window Elevation: gg5',(a R.owest Floor Elevotton: $82 ¢ Top of Biock Eievation: $90,5 Garage Slab Eievction: are assumed Rly MfrBCt fupErriiiOn and am duly Regis[ded Lmnd 5urveyw SC:(7iP.. iinch_'?jC3? an ?a