4704 Covington Ct - Site SurveyCertificate for: Survey For: Ce'ntex Iiomes Midwest Inc. Joe Millea Conatruction .8601 Darnell Road 13115 Quthrie Avenue I E:den Prairie, Mn. 55344 Apple ?falley, Mn. 55124 SURVEYDR'S CER 151 ' ?- SCALE: 1 ineh = 30 feet Denotes direction ? ,,?T?-?+?P 9555 ?of drainage./ ? ? r Z 6 G¢ rOJ a" ??? ? ?i 918. ??" ? ro$? J ls,`1 72 30 .70 ,-.9t845 ? ?.= '= ?? kb ?y?, 0'TZ.1 PLwu 93035 BK 4Z13Z ,?MONE 01717377q ' ?, Denotee exiatinF elevation ' ?ODenotea P elevation e Denotes aet hub Q G Z . 3a.?y ?3'° ,?b \V p QniM a4? ? r, ?.1f? ?q y a /L a T 1 / -tup NoB /?S? ? F,,EO:92oA3 ?3 Proposed garage Plooa elevation `•G TopCoe \ F ?p)r9xb.BlO ?? ?ap leoJ I = 9zz.95 Drainageme 8a utilitnt y ? ? ease 4) TOp ga,¢o,= qu,,t9 a12"Z/ Propoaed top oP b}ock elevation h 2Z ? Z` ? v Propoaed basement floor elevation ?t S e ?4 ;? ' ?,.?, ?.-+4 zs ?J '? C? ?ea IZ ? ?riJ,? x, .an ,!Y?? I hereby certify that this ie a'true and corziaet repreaentation of Iat 1, Hlock 6, BEACON HILL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Dated: June 18, 1979 ;: Reviaed Dateg: 1? DELMAR H. SCHWANZ lAND6URVEY01lt$ Inc. qp1sW W UnMr Laws of TM SbU W Minnnoh REOisEt? I.tL.Y Iloily82 a6v5g4 Also showing the proposed location of a not stake thereon. - 146TH ETREET W. - 60X M ROtEMOUNT, MINNlBOTA 666SE July L houae ? //f7l„ r MINNBSOTA REGIS ATION N0.8845?