3810 Deercliff Ct - Certificate of Occupancy(Itr#ifiratr of (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan Deparbatpttt af Iuilaing jwprtion This Certificate rssued Pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 ojthe Urriform Bufldrng Code certifyfng drat at the time of issuance this structure was in comp/iance with !he various ordinances ojthe City regulating building constraclion or use. For the following.• vw closifimlion 2 1XJPLE,Y S GAR ekt,. ff,m;, xa. 13945 o-p.ay rya R3 zo,? n?, ?? Tya c«?r. `- owoer of ewlding Add,,. MOMAN SJ:iViT??? Bwlding Addreas l.oality r 13, B2? fWTC(R..`? ! Datr. :-T.n"gzF 27. Building Ofr=al PQST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE (ger#i#iratit uf COrrupattry titp of (eagan arpartmrtd Lrf SwAiNitg Jwpctimi This Certificate issued pursuanl to the requiremenu of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building cons7ruction or use. For the following.• ux aa+si6atan 1/2 DLP;_ Blag. rermfi rro. 0cuPaxY TYPm P3 Zooing Distnct Type Const. ? Owner of Building pddrea Bu7ttie8 Addrea . Lomlity ' ._ Dats: Bwlding OEWial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE